  • 徐健淞,庞敏倩,邓元秋,林柯.基于自动站监测数据的广西廉州湾藻类生态灾害特征分析[J].广西科学院学报,2021,37(4):325-330.    [点击复制]
  • XU Jiansong,PANG Minqian,DENG Yuanqiu,LIN Ke.Characteristics of Algae Ecological Disaster in Lianzhou Bay of Guangxi Based on Automatic Station Monitoring Data[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2021,37(4):325-330.   [点击复制]
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徐健淞, 庞敏倩, 邓元秋, 林柯
(广西壮族自治区海洋环境监测中心站, 广西北海 536000)
广西廉州湾地处河口地区,藻类暴发性增殖的现象时有发生。为探究广西廉州湾藻类增殖的规律,本研究根据藻类暴发性增殖现象时存在溶解氧、pH值、叶绿素同步升高或降低的特征,对2015-2020年廉州湾海域运行的自动监测站和赤潮现场监测的数据进行统计分析。结果显示,廉州湾藻类暴发性增殖的现象主要发生在南流江、西门江至大风江入海口的近岸海域,暴发的频次呈现逐年下降的趋势。从不同季节来看,冬季和夏季发生的频次较高,但藻类增殖现象的持续时间基本未超过7 d。藻类增殖现象发生的频次呈逐年下降的趋势,这可能与南流江上游环境整治有关,反映出入海河流水质改变对近岸海域的直接影响。因此,持续保持陆地污染源科学有效的管理对廉州湾的生态环境保护有重大意义。
关键词:  廉州湾  藻类增殖  赤潮  自动监测  环境管理
Characteristics of Algae Ecological Disaster in Lianzhou Bay of Guangxi Based on Automatic Station Monitoring Data
XU Jiansong, PANG Minqian, DENG Yuanqiu, LIN Ke
(Marine Environmental Monitoring Center of Guangxi, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
Lianzhou Bay in Guangxi is located in the estuary area,and the phenomenon of algae blooms occurs from time to time.In order to explore the law of algae proliferation in Lianzhou Bay of Guangxi,according to the characteristics of simultaneous increase or decrease of dissolved oxygen,pH value and chlorophyll in algae blooms,the data from automatic monitoring stations and red tide site in Lianzhou Bay from 2015 to 2020 were statistically analyzed.The results showed that the algae explosive proliferation in Lianzhou Bay mainly occurred in the coastal waters from Nanliu River,the Ximen River to the entrance of Dafeng River,and the outbreak frequency showed a decreasing trend year by year.In different seasons,the frequency of occurrence in winter and summer was relatively high,but the duration of algae proliferation was basically less than one week.The frequency of algae proliferation showed a decreasing trend year by year,which might be related to the environmental remediation in the upper reaches of Nanliu River,reflecting the direct impact of changes in water quality of rivers entering the sea on the coastal waters.Therefore,it is of great significance to maintain the scientific and effective management on land pollution sources for the ecological and environmental protection of Lianzhou Bay.
Key words:  Lianzhou Bay  algae blooms  red tide  automatic monitoring  environmental management

