  • 温远光,周晓果,王磊,孙冬婧.广西植被调查、分类与植被志研编方案[J].广西科学院学报,2022,38(3):245-253.    [点击复制]
  • WEN Yuanguang,ZHOU Xiaoguo,WANG Lei,SUN Dongjing.Vegetation Survey,Classification and the Research and Compilation of Vegegraphy of Guangxi,China[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2022,38(3):245-253.   [点击复制]
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温远光1,2, 周晓果1, 王磊2, 孙冬婧1
(1.广西科学院生态环境研究所, 广西南宁 530007;2.广西大学林学院, 广西森林生态与保育重点实验室, 广西南宁 530004)
关键词:  植被志  植被调查  植被分类  数字植被  广西
Vegetation Survey,Classification and the Research and Compilation of Vegegraphy of Guangxi,China
WEN Yuanguang1,2, ZHOU Xiaoguo1, WANG Lei2, SUN Dongjing1
(1.Institute of Eco-Environmental Research, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China;2.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Conservation, College of Forestry, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
Guangxi is one of the provinces with abundant vegetation types in China.It is of great significance to research and compile Vegegraphy of Guangxi.On the basis of comprehensively summarizing the history of vegetation investigation and research in Guangxi,this article divides the process of vegetation investigation and research into three stages:The first stage is from 1950 to 1980,the second stage is from 1981 to 1999,and the third stage is from 2000 to the present.The vegetation classification principles,grades,classification results and characteristics of each classification system in Guangxi Forest,Guangxi Vegetation Records and Guangxi Vegetation(Volume 1)were analyzed and compared.On the basis of following the research and compilation standards and norms of Vegegraphy of China,the research and compilation scheme of Vegegraphy of Guangxi is put forward.It is recommended to write a volume independently in vegetation type group,which can be divided into six volumes:forest volume,shrub volume,grass volume,marsh and aquatic vegetation volume,agricultural and forestry vegetation volume,and urban vegetation volume.Among them,the forest volume can be divided into 6 sub-volumes,namely coniferous and mixed coniferous broad-leaved forests,deciduous broad-leaved forests,mixed evergreen deciduous broad-leaved forests,evergreen broad-leaved forests,seasonal rain forests and rain forests,and bamboo forests.Shrub vegetation,tussock vegetation,marsh and aquatic vegetation should be separated volumes.The agricultural and forestry vegetation volume should be divided into two issues,namely,agricultural vegetation and forestry vegetation issues.Urban vegetation becomes an independent volume.In addition,with the general introduction of the first volume,the Vegegraphy of Guangxi can compose of 7 volumes and 13 issues.A preliminary scheme for establishing 10 vegetation information databases and Guangxi digital vegetation big data platform is proposed.The research,compilation and publication of Vegegraphy of Guangxi will certainly promote the further development of Guangxi vegetation ecological science.
Key words:  vegegraphy  vegetation investigation  vegetation classification  digital vegetation  Guangxi

