  • 张林,王瑁,王文卿.红树林湿地主要大型底栖动物的生态功能及多样性保护需求[J].广西科学院学报,2024,40(3):197-206.    [点击复制]
  • ZHANG Lin,WANG Mao,WANG Wenqing.Ecological Functions and Diversity Conservation Needs of Major Macrobenthos in Mangrove Wetlands[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2024,40(3):197-206.   [点击复制]
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张林, 王瑁, 王文卿
(厦门大学环境与生态学院, 福建厦门 361102)
关键词:  红树林  大型底栖动物  生物多样性  生态修复
Ecological Functions and Diversity Conservation Needs of Major Macrobenthos in Mangrove Wetlands
ZHANG Lin, WANG Mao, WANG Wenqing
(College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, 361102, China)
Macrobenthos are consumers in mangrove wetlands,as well as important secondary productivity and economic groups,and are key links in the material cycle and energy flow in mangrove wetland ecosystems.The complexity of mangrove wetland environment and the lack of taxonomic data of macrobenthos lead to the lack of understanding of the ecological functions and diversity maintenance mechanisms of macrobenthos in mangrove wetlands,which further makes it extremely difficult and pays little attention to the diversity of macrobenthos in the protection and restoration of existing mangrove wetland ecosystems.Macrobenthos in mangrove wetlands are currently facing multiple stresses,including habitat loss and transformation,invasion of alien species,pollution and overfishing.The ecological functions of the major macrobenthos groups in mangrove wetlands are summarized in this article,the importance of habitat heterogeneity of mangrove wetland to maintain the diversity of macrobenthos is expounded,and the key role of the mangrove wetland as 'veqetation-mudflat-creek’ landscape complexes in maintaining the biodiversity is emphasized.The future research needs to strengthen the construction of basic databases such as community characteristics and biodiversity of macrobenthos in mangrove wetlands,and clarify the spatial variation of macrobenthos communities.For the areas and biological groups that have been seriously disturbed by fishing activities,it is recommended to gradually promote the 'alternate mudflat closing for benthos recovery’ to promote the restoration of diversity,so as to realize the sustainable utilization of biological resources of macrobenthos.In the future,the protection and restoration planning of mangrove wetlands should consider the habitat needs of various groups of macrobenthos,create different understory habitats through the matching of mangrove species,and leave extra non-vegetation habitats for macrobenthos while restoring mangrove vegetation.
Key words:  mangroves  macrobenthos  biodiversity  ecological restoration

