  • 陈琨,廖馨.环境RNA技术在生物监测中的研究进展[J].广西科学院学报,2024,40(3):214-222.    [点击复制]
  • CHEN Kun,LIAO Xin.Research Progress of Environmental RNA Technology in Biomonitoring[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2024,40(3):214-222.   [点击复制]
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陈琨1,2, 廖馨1
(1.广西科学院, 广西海洋科学院(广西红树林研究中心), 广西红树林保护与利用重点实验室, 广西北海 536000;2.自然资源部北部湾滨海湿地生态系统野外科学观测研究站, 广西北海 536015)
全球范围的生态系统正面临前所未有的生物多样性丧失和群落结构变化,为及时、准确地检测这些变化,科学家们不断探索出新的监测技术。其中,环境DNA(environmental DNA,eDNA)技术作为一种非侵入性的方法已经广泛应用于生物资源评估和生物多样性调查,然而其可能导致假阳性结果从而影响监测准确性。相比之下,环境RNA(environmental RNA,eRNA)技术可以更有效地区分活体(代谢活跃)的生物体或死亡(休眠)的生物体,减少假阳性结果,从而提高监测的可靠性。但eRNA技术尚未为人熟知,特别是在国内还极少被应用。本文旨在综述eRNA技术在生物监测中的研究现状,并将其与传统监测方法、eDNA技术进行比较,探讨其优势、限制因素和存在的问题,同时通过文献计量学对eRNA技术在不同水域生态系统中的研究进展进行分析,展望eRNA技术将来在生态监测中的适用性和可行性。
关键词:  环境RNA  环境DNA  生物监测  生物多样性  方法学
Research Progress of Environmental RNA Technology in Biomonitoring
CHEN Kun1,2, LIAO Xin1
(1.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Mangrove Conservation and Utilization, Guangxi Academy of Marine Science (Guangxi Mangrove Research Center), Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China;2.Observation and Research Station of Coastal Wetland Ecosystemin Beibu Gulf, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beihai, Guangxi, 536015, China)
Ecosystems on a global scale are facing unprecedented loss of biodiversity and changes in community structure.In order to detect these changes in a timely and accurate manner,scientists are constantly exploring new monitoring technologies.Among them,environmental DNA (eDNA) technology has been widely used as a non-invasive method in biological resource assessment and biodiversity surveys.However,it may lead to false positive results and affect the accuracy of monitoring.In contrast,environmental RNA (eRNA) technology can more effectively distinguish living (metabolically active) organism or dead (dormant) organisms,reduce false positive results,and thus improve the reliability of monitoring.However,eRNA technology has not yet been well known,especially in China,where it is rarely used.The purpose of this paper is to review the research status of eRNA technology in biomonitoring,and compare it with traditional monitoring methods and eDNA technology to explore its advantages,limitations and existing problems.At the same time,the research progress of eRNA in different aquatic ecosystems is analyzed by bibliometrics,and the applicability and feasibility of eRNA technology in ecological monitoring in the future were prospected.
Key words:  environmental RNA  environmental DNA  biological monitoring  biodiversity  methodological

