  • 黄琳,匡佶辉,余庆,刘明珠,陈嘉,牟容丽,陆兰天,竺利波,杨辉,柯珂,韦云依,师德强,李鹏飞.仙鹤草水提物对石斑鱼虹彩病毒的作用途径与机制研究[J].广西科学院学报,2024,40(4):389-399.    [点击复制]
  • HUANG Lin,KUANG Jihui,YU Qing,LIU Mingzhu,CHEN Jia,MOU Rongli,LU Lantian,ZHU Libo,YANG Hui,KE Ke,WEI Yunyi,SHI Deqiang,LI Pengfei.Study on the Role and Mechanism of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb.Water Extract in the Infection of Grouper Iridovirus[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2024,40(4):389-399.   [点击复制]
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黄琳1,2, 匡佶辉1,3, 余庆1, 刘明珠1, 陈嘉1,2, 牟容丽1, 陆兰天1, 竺利波1, 杨辉1, 柯珂1, 韦云依4, 师德强1, 李鹏飞1,2,3
(1.广西科学院, 广西海洋科学院(广西红树林研究中心), 广西渔业重大疫病防控与高效健康养殖产业技术工程研究中心, 广西水产生物技术与现代生态养殖重点实验室, 广西南宁 530007;2.北部湾海洋产业研究院, 中国- 东盟现代渔业产业技术转移示范中心, 广西南宁 530007;3.广西大学资源环境与材料学院, 广西南宁 530004;4.南宁学院食品与质量工程学院, 广西南宁 530200)
为探究仙鹤草(Agrimonia pilosaLedeb.)在新加坡石斑鱼虹彩病毒(Singapore grouper iridovirus,SGIV)感染中的作用及其作用机制,本研究以仙鹤草水提物(A.pilosa Ledeb.Water Extract,AWE)和SGIV为研究对象,在确定仙鹤草水提物的细胞安全工作浓度之后,利用光学显微镜观察、实时荧光定量PCR (Quantitative real-time PCR,qRT-PCR)技术、流式细胞仪分析或病毒滴度测定的方法评估仙鹤草水提物在SGIV感染中的影响。结果发现,仙鹤草水提物的细胞安全工作浓度为156.3 μg/mL,该浓度的仙鹤草水提物处理石斑鱼脾脏(Grouper Spleen,GS)细胞对细胞的活力及形态结构无影响。浓度为156.3、78.2和39.1 μg/mL的仙鹤草水提物均能抑制SGIV在细胞中的感染,且仙鹤草水提物的抗病毒活性随其浓度的增加而增强。安全工作浓度的仙鹤草水提物与SGIV共孵育后处理细胞发现,SGIV的感染能力减弱。在SGIV感染细胞的吸附、侵入与复制阶段用仙鹤草水提物处理细胞,SGIV在细胞中的含量显著低于未用仙鹤草水提物处理的细胞,且仙鹤草水提物的抗病毒作用在SGIV吸附细胞的阶段最为显著。综上可知,仙鹤草水提物可通过破坏SGIV的病毒粒子结构、干扰SGIV感染细胞过程中的吸附、侵入、复制阶段来发挥抗病毒作用,具有研发成为高效抗SGIV绿色药物的潜力。
关键词:  仙鹤草水提物  新加坡石斑鱼虹彩病毒  病毒感染  抗病毒作用  抗病毒机制
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (32373175),国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFD2401200)、广西自然科学基金项目(2023JJG130007,2022GXNSFBA035521,2022JJA130074)和国家现代农业产业技术体系广西创新团队项目(nycytxgxcxtd-2021-08-02)资助。
Study on the Role and Mechanism of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb.Water Extract in the Infection of Grouper Iridovirus
HUANG Lin1,2, KUANG Jihui1,3, YU Qing1, LIU Mingzhu1, CHEN Jia1,2, MOU Rongli1, LU Lantian1, ZHU Libo1, YANG Hui1, KE Ke1, WEI Yunyi4, SHI Deqiang1, LI Pengfei1,2,3
(1.Guangxi Engineering Research Centerfor Fishery Major Diseases Control and Efficient Healthy BreedingIndustrial Technology, Guangxi Key Laboratory of Aquatic Biotechnology and Modern Ecological Aquaculture, Guangxi Academy of Marine Sciences (Guangxi Mangrove Research Center), Guangxi Academyof Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China;2.China-ASEAN Modern FisheryIndustry Technology Transfer Demonstration Center, Beibu Gulf MarineIndustrial ResearchInstitute, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China;3.School of Resources, Environment and Materials, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;4.College of Food and Quality Engineering, Nanning University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530200, China)
To identify the role of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb.on Singapore grouper iridovirus (SGIV) infection,this study firstly determined the safe working concentration of A.pilosa Ledeb.water extract (AWE) in cells.Secondly,the role and the mechanism of the AWE in SGIV infection was evaluated by microscopy observation,quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) detection,flow cytometry analysis or virus titer measurement.The results showed that the safe working concentration of AWE on cells is 156.3 μg/mL,AWE at this concentration did not affect the cell viability and cell's morphological structure.AWE at concentrations of 156.3,78.2 and 39.1 μg/mL could inhibit SGIV infection in cells,and the antiviral activity of AWE increased with increasing concentration.The infectivity of SGIV was weakened in cells when the virus treated with AWE.Meanwhile,it was observed that the content of SGIV in cells was significantly lower than that of cells did not treat with AWE during the adsorption,invasion,and replication stages of SGIV infection,and the antiviral effect of AWE was most significant during the SGIV adsorption stage in cells.In summary,AWE could exert antiviral effects by disrupting the structure of SGIV virus particles,interfering with the adsorption,invasion,and replication stages of SGIV infection,indicating that A.pilosa Ledeb.is a medicinal plant with a clear antiviral mechanism that has the potential to develop into an efficient green drug against SGIV.This study is the first time to explore the role and mechanism of A.pilosa Ledeb.in SGIV infection,providing a theoretical basis for the development of SGIV specific drugs.
Key words:  Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb.water extract  Singapore grouper iridovirus  virus infection  antiviral effects  antiviral mechanisms

