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关键词:  红树林  大型底栖动物  生物多样性  生态修复  
Ecological Functions and Diversity Conservation Needs of Macrobenthos in Mangrove Wetlands
ZHANG Lin1,2, WANG Mao3, WANG Wenqing3
(1.College of the Environment&2.Ecology,Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fujian;3.College of the Environment Ecology,Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fujian)
Macrobenthos are key consumers in mangrove wetlands, contributing significantly to secondary productivity and playing an essential role in the material cycling and energy flow within these ecosystems. The challenging environment of mangrove wetlands and the difficulties in benthic animal taxonomy have led to insufficient understanding of the ecological functions and diversity maintenance mechanisms of benthic organisms, limiting functional protection and ecological restoration of mangrove ecosystems. This paper summarizes the ecological functions of major macrobenthos groups in mangrove wetlands, highlighting the importance of habitat heterogeneity in maintaining their diversity and emphasizing the critical role of mangroves as a landscape complex for biodiversity maintenance. Macrobenthos currently face various stresses, including habitat loss and alteration, invasive species, environmental pollution, and overfishing. Future research should enhance foundational databases on community characteristics and biodiversity of macrobenthos in mangrove wetlands, particularly investigating changes in community structure along salinity and elevation gradients. Sustainable resource use should be pursued once a clear understanding of these populations is established. For regions and species heavily impacted by fishing activities, the "rotational closure and nursery" technique is recommended to promote diversity recovery. Future conservation and restoration plans for mangroves should consider the habitat needs of various benthic animal groups, incorporating non-vegetation habitats alongside mangrove vegetation restoration, and creating diverse understory habitats through strategic planting of different mangrove species.
Key words:  Mangroves, Macrobenthos, Biodiversity, Ecological restoration.

