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关键词:  红树林生态旅游  旅游生态足迹模型  安全评价  价值实现
Dynamic Evaluation of Mangrove Ecotourism Safety in Guangxi -- A Case Study of Golden Bay Scenic Area
ZHANG Yunlan
(Guangxi University of Finance and Economics)
Mangrove ecotourism is the main model to realize the value of mangrove ecosystem services and an important industry to promote the protection and utilization of mangrove forests. Taking the Golden Bay Scenic Area as an example, the dynamic assessment of mangrove ecotourism safety in Guangxi was carried out to provide decision-making reference for the development of mangrove ecotourism in Guangxi and other mangrove distribution areas. In this study, the tourism ecological footprint model was used to estimate the tourism ecological footprint and tourism ecological carrying capacity of the Golden Bay Scenic Area from 2016 to 2023, and the security status of mangrove ecotourism in the scenic area was dynamically evaluated through the tourism ecological profit/loss, tourism ecological sustainability index and tourism ecological pressure index. The GM(1,1) model was used to predict the per capita tourism ecological footprint of the scenic area from 2024 to 2028, and the critical value of tourist reception was calculated by regression function, and the optimization strategy of mangrove ecotourism development was proposed. The results showed that the tourism ecological footprint of the scenic area increased by 58.71% during 2016-2023, and the tourism ecological carrying capacity was stable, which could meet the needs of tourists" tourism activities. However, if the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic was excluded, the sustainable state of the development of mangrove ecotourism in the scenic area continued to weaken and was close to the critical value of the safe state. In 2028, the per capita tourism ecological footprint of the scenic area would reach 4.86m2/person; The critical value of annual tourist reception of the scenic area was 739,500, but according to the current development trend, the tourist reception in 2026 would reach 797,700. Therefore, it is necessary to control the per capita tourism ecological footprint by reducing the per capita tourism traffic ecological footprint and the per capita catering ecological footprint, and to implement the time-segment booking and ticket purchase system and ticket price policy to control the tourist reception, so as to ensure the safety of mangrove ecotourism.
Key words:  mangrove ecotourism, tourism ecological footprint model, safety evaluation, value realization

