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陈进勋, 邬玖久, 沈邱筱潇, 申婉青, 邹成成, 王忠斌
掌握物种的生境需求以及它们适宜栖息地的空间分布格局对于物种的保护工作至关重要。通过实地考察和网络检索相结合的方式,成功收集了赤麻鸭(Tadorna ferruginea)在林芝市越冬的46个有效分布点并筛选了12个关键的环境变量,并运用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)对赤麻鸭的适宜生境进行了预测分析。结果表明:模型的AUC值高达0.950,说明模型具有较高的精度,并且预测结果具有较高的可信度。影响赤麻鸭在林芝市越冬分布的主要环境因子包括距道路距离(56.4%)、距水源的距离(9.3%)、最干月份降水量(8.9%)、土地利用类型(8.6%)、坡度(6.2%)以及最冷月份最低温(6.1%)。上述结果表明赤麻鸭的适宜生境通常位于距离道路较近、气候条件温和且河岸两侧植被覆盖度较高的水源附近。从预测图来看,赤麻鸭的高适宜生境面积仅占总研究区域的1.25%,说明林芝市目前存在较大面积的生态保护空白区域,建议采取措施保护和改善其的生境质量。
关键词:  赤麻鸭,最大熵模型,生境,适宜性评价
Habitat suitability evaluation of wintering Tadorna ferruginea in Nyingchi Tibet based on MaxEnt model
chenjinxun, wujiujiu, shenqiuxiaoxiao, shenwanqing, zouchengcheng, wangzhongbin
(Xizang Agricultural and Animal Husbandry University)
Understanding the habitat requirements of species and the spatial distribution pattern of their suitable habitats is crucial for species conservation. Through a combination of fieldwork and internet search, we successfully collected 46 effective distribution points of Tadorna ferruginea overwintering in Nyingchi and screened 12 key environmental variables, and used the Maximum Entropy Model (MaxEnt) to predict the suitable habitats of Tadorna ferruginea. The results showed that the AUC value of the model was as high as 0.950, which indicated that the model had high accuracy and the prediction results had high credibility. The main environmental factors affecting the overwintering distribution of Tadorna ferruginea in Nyingchi included distance from roads (56.4%), distance from water sources (9.3%), precipitation in the driest month (8.9%), land use type (8.6%), slope (6.2%), and minimum temperature in the coldest month (6.1%). These results indicate that suitable habitats for Tadorna ferruginea are usually located near water sources that are close to roads, have mild climatic conditions and have high vegetation cover on both sides of the riverbanks. From the prediction map, the area of highly suitable habitat for the Tadorna ferruginea only accounts for 1.25% of the total study area, which indicates that there is a large area of ecological protection gaps in Nyingchi, and it is recommended that measures be taken to protect and improve the quality of its habitat.
Key words:  Tadorna ferruginea, Maximum  Entropy Model, habitat, suitability  evaluation

