  • 邓艳,蒋忠诚,蓝芙宁,李恩香.㟖拉典型峰丛洼地生态系统中青冈林群落的小气候特征比较[J].广西科学,2004,11(3):236-242.    [点击复制]
  • Deng Yan,Jiang Zhongcheng,Lan Funing,Li Enxiang.The Comparation of Micro-Climate in Cyclobalanopsis glauca Community in Typical Peak Clump Depression Ecological System in Nongla[J].Guangxi Sciences,2004,11(3):236-242.   [点击复制]
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邓艳1,2, 蒋忠诚1, 蓝芙宁1,2, 李恩香1,2
(1.中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所, 桂林市七星路50号 541004;2.广西师范大学生命科学学院, 桂林市育才路3号 541004)
为了研究广西马山县㟖拉典型峰丛洼地生态系统中小气候在垂直方向上的变化规律,于2002年7~8月在㟖拉鸡蛋堡的下坡、中坡和山顶分别选择具有代表性的草丛群落、灌丛群落、青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)幼林群落、山中部青冈林群落和山顶部青冈林群落,测定群落高度为0m、0.5m、1.5m、3m的光照强度、空气温湿度、地表和-5cm处的土壤温度。测定时间为每日9:00至17:00间隔2h同时观测1次,中午12:00和14:00各加密监测1次。结果是5个群落对环境调蓄能力的高低顺序是:山中部的青冈林群落,青冈幼林群落,灌丛群落,草丛群落,山顶的青冈林群落。山顶青林冈群落内的日平均相对湿度最高只有71.6%,山中部青冈林群落的平均相对湿度最高为91%,山顶部和中部的日平均相对湿度差值为19.4%。山顶部和中部的气温差高达5℃,土下5cm的温度差也有1.9℃。山中部所接受的光量仅为顶部的5.4%,山中部群落内的相对光照强度只有1.82%,山顶的相对光照强度为37.37%。典型峰丛洼地生态系统中不同地貌的小气候差别很大,主要的影响因子是水因子。
关键词:  小气候  峰丛洼地  青冈林  群落
The Comparation of Micro-Climate in Cyclobalanopsis glauca Community in Typical Peak Clump Depression Ecological System in Nongla
Deng Yan1,2, Jiang Zhongcheng1, Lan Funing1,2, Li Enxiang1,2
(1.Institute of Karst Geology, CAGS 50 Qixinglu, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China;2.College of Life Science, Guangxi Normal University, 3 Yucailu, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China)
In order to find out the rule of micro-climate in vertical direction in tipical peak clump depression ecological system,we choose five tipical communities in three different place in Jidan mountain in Nongla from seven month to eight month in 2002,and then measure the light indensity,the air humidity and soil temperature.Every day from 9 pm to 17pm,we observe it every two hours.We aded an extra observation between 12 pm and 14 pm.The order of the ability of improving the micro-climate in the five communities is:the Cyclobalanopsis glauca community in the middle of the mountain,the younger Cyclobalanopsis glauca community,bush community,herb community,the Cyclobalanopsis glauca community on the top of the muntain.The highest relative humidity in community on the top of the mountain is only 71.6%,while is 91% in community in the middle of the mountain.The air temperature in community on the top of the mountain is 6℃ higher than that in the middle of the mountain.The soil temperature in community on the top of the mountain is also 1.9℃ higher than that in the middle of the mountain.The highest relative light indensity in community in the middle of the mountain is only 1.82%,while is 37.37% in community on the top of the mountain.Briefly,the main factor in peak clump depression ecological system is water.=
Key words:  micro-climate  peak clump depression  Cyclobalanopsis glauca  community

