  • 廖思明,王志成,兰国宝,葛文标,周浩郎.北海市南部近岸局部海域细菌变化研究[J].广西科学,2005,12(4):327-329,333.    [点击复制]
  • Liao Siming,Wang Zhicheng,Lan Guobao,Ge Wenbiao,Zhou Haolang.Variations of Bacteria in the South Local Seashore of Beihai City[J].Guangxi Sciences,2005,12(4):327-329,333.   [点击复制]
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廖思明1, 王志成2, 兰国宝1, 葛文标1, 周浩郎1
(1.广西红树林研究中心, 广西北海 536000;2.广西海洋研究所, 广西北海 536000)
选取北海市南部的北背岭村和大墩海村附近海域共2个站点,于2004年6~8月用平板计数法对水体的异养菌和弧菌进行计数,并用SPSS软件进行相关性分析,根据海域异养菌总数评价等级标准评价海域的污染状态。结果表明,北背岭站点的异养菌数量变化为1.15×103~1.33×104 cfu/ml,平均为4.85×103 cfu/ml,6月中旬至7月份异养菌数量变化幅度大;弧菌数在103 cfu/ml以内,平均为1.48×103 cfu/ml,7月中下旬变化明显,异养菌与弧菌的相关系数为0.62。大墩海站点的异养菌变化范围为7.35×102~1.23×104 cfu/ml,平均为3.54×103 cfu/ml,6、7月份变化比较平缓,8月份变化幅度大;弧菌数主要在1.00×102~2.50×103 cfu/ml之间的较低值变化,平均为8.22×102 cfu/ml,变化趋势与异养菌相似,异养菌、弧菌的相关系数为0.84。北背岭站点海域处于中污染状态,大墩海站点海域处于轻污染至中污染状态。
关键词:  细菌  异养菌  弧菌  海域
Variations of Bacteria in the South Local Seashore of Beihai City
Liao Siming1, Wang Zhicheng2, Lan Guobao1, Ge Wenbiao1, Zhou Haolang1
(1.Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China;2.Guangxi Institute of Oceanography, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
Seawater samples for heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios count were collected in two spots in the seas near the villages of Beibeiling and Dadunhai south of Beihai from June to August in 2004,and the heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios number were counted by plate counting method using media of 2216E and TCBS. The results showed that in the Beibeiling spot,heterotrophic bacteria count ranged from 1.15×103 to 1.33×104 cfu/ml with an average at 4.85×103 cfu/ml.Remarkable fluctuation of heterotrophic bacteria count was observed from mid-June to July.Vibrios count were generally no more than 103 cfu/ml with an average at 1.48×103 cfu/ml,and vibrios number varied obviously from mid-July to late July. It was also found that there was a close relationship between the number of heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios with a correlation coefficient of 0.62.In the Dadunhai spot,the number of heterotrophic bacteria ranged from 7.35×102 to 1.23×104 cfu/ml,with an average at 3.54×103 cfu/ml,and its variation was low in June and July but high in August.And the number of vibrios ranged from 1.00×102 to 2.50×103 cfu/ml,with an average at 8.22×102 cfu/ml,and its change trend was similar to that of heterotrophic bacteria,and the correlation coefficient for heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios was 0.84.According to the pollution evaluation standard by the total number of heterotrophic bacteria in sea water,the Beibeiling spot sea area was mid-polluted and the Dadunhai spot sea area was slightly polluted to mid-polluted.
Key words:  bacteria  heterotrophic bacteria  vibrios  sea waters

