  • 张美良,朱晓燕,林玉石,覃嘉铭,章程,罗贵荣,杨琰.洞穴石笋的δ13C记录研究[J].广西科学,2006,13(1):48-51,57.    [点击复制]
  • ZHANG Mei-liang,ZHU Xiao-yan,LIN Yu-shi,QIN Jia-ming,ZHANG Cheng,LUO Gui-rong,YANG Yan.Study on δ13C Isotope Records from Stalagmites[J].Guangxi Sciences,2006,13(1):48-51,57.   [点击复制]
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张美良, 朱晓燕, 林玉石, 覃嘉铭, 章程, 罗贵荣, 杨琰
(中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所岩溶动力学重点实验室, 广西桂林 541004)
关键词:  石笋  碳同位素  记录  植被
Study on δ13C Isotope Records from Stalagmites
ZHANG Mei-liang, ZHU Xiao-yan, LIN Yu-shi, QIN Jia-ming, ZHANG Cheng, LUO Gui-rong, YANG Yan
(Karst Dynamics Key Laboratory, Institute of Karst Geology, CAGS, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China)
High resolution δ13C isotope records from three stalagmites in millennial, centennial and decade timescale were obtained from Dongge Cave of Libo, Guizhou, Fengyu cave of Lipu, Guangxi and Xiangshui Cave of Guilin, respectively.The results indicate that karst is lack of development, the condition of the soil-forming is poor and slow, which hampered vegetation grow, resulting in C4 plant dominant with the heavier δ13C value in the glacial period or colddry period.Otherwise in warm-humid stage karst is well development, soil-forming is fast with good conditions, vegetation grow well, thus C3 plant has predominant with the negative value.Since late Holocene, human activity may predominate over the nature, the forest vegetation is destroyed continuous but grass grows well, which C4 plant become the dominant vegetation, the δ13C value of stalagmites increase rapidly, rock desertification aggravate because of serious water and soil erosion.Since then, it is very difficult to make heavier δ13C value back to the level before middle Holocene.By discussing the effect factors of δ13C value change from stalagmites, we considered that the influence of the ecological environment from the nature factor or human activity could result in the vegetation change, and δ13C value change could make enlargements of double, decade times, and hundred times.In particular, human activity affects nature ecological environment more severely.The influence of human activity only brings about the degeneration of forests and vegetation, leads to δ13C value change from stalagmites, and also accelerates aggravation of rock desertification, serious water and soil erosion in karst region.
Key words:  stalagmite  carbon isotopic  record  vegetation

