  • 陆树华,李先琨,吕仕洪,向悟生,欧祖兰,覃家科,王晓英,叶文培.桂林红壤侵蚀区植被恢复过程的土壤理化性质变化[J].广西科学,2006,13(1):52-57.    [点击复制]
  • LU Shu-hua,LI Xian-kun,Lü Shi-hong,XIANG Wu-sheng,OU Zu-lan,QIN Jia-ke,WANG Xiao-ying,YE Wen-pei.Soil Change of Physical and Chemical Characteristic during Vegetation Restoration in Eroded Area of Red Soil in Guilin[J].Guangxi Sciences,2006,13(1):52-57.   [点击复制]
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陆树华, 李先琨, 吕仕洪, 向悟生, 欧祖兰, 覃家科, 王晓英, 叶文培
(广西植物研究所, 广西桂林 541006)
关键词:  红壤  侵蚀区  特性  植被
Soil Change of Physical and Chemical Characteristic during Vegetation Restoration in Eroded Area of Red Soil in Guilin
LU Shu-hua, LI Xian-kun, Lü Shi-hong, XIANG Wu-sheng, OU Zu-lan, QIN Jia-ke, WANG Xiao-ying, YE Wen-pei
(Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guilin, Guangxi, 541006, China)
In this paper, soil physical and chemical characteristics of red soil under four modes of vegetation restoration (broadleaved tree area, herb area, fruit tree area, Mao bamboo and fir area) in eroded area and different stages of vegetation natural succession (grass mass, shrub mass, coniferous and broadleaved mixed forest, evergreen broadleaved forest) in Xing'an county were analyzed.The results show that in four artificial restoration modes, soil bulk density decline and soil moisture increase, which has the same trend with nature succession area.In both artificial restoration area and nature succession area, soil pH value and the content of organic matter and N increase but the content of K and P are too low and need to apply more fertilizer.The restoration of vegetation by artificial method in eroded area of red soil can improve the soil fertility, help the soil to keep and cultivate fertility, to accelerate the vegetation restoration in eroded area as well.
Key words:  red soil  eroded area  characteristic  vegetation

