  • 卢玫桂,曹建华,何寻阳.桂林毛村石灰土和红壤元素生物地球化学特征研究[J].广西科学,2006,13(1):58-64.    [点击复制]
  • LU Mei-gui,CAO Jian-hua,HE Xun-yang.The Comparative Study of Biogeochemistry between Limestone Soil and Red Soil in Maocun, Guilin[J].Guangxi Sciences,2006,13(1):58-64.   [点击复制]
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卢玫桂1,2, 曹建华1, 何寻阳1
(1.中国地质科学院岩溶地质研究所国土资源部岩溶动力学重点实验室, 广西桂林 541004;2.柳州市环境保护科学研究所, 广西柳州 545006)
关键词:  土壤  元素  含量  石灰土  红壤
The Comparative Study of Biogeochemistry between Limestone Soil and Red Soil in Maocun, Guilin
LU Mei-gui1,2, CAO Jian-hua1, HE Xun-yang1
(1.Karst Dynamic Laboratory Ministry of Land and Resources, CAGS, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China;2.Liuzhou Institue of Environment Protection, Liuzhou, Guangxi, 545006, China)
We have compared and analyzed the total elements, available elements, the pH value and organic compounds of rhizospheric soil between limestone soil and red soil.The results are as follows.It was found that the total Ca content of limestone soil is three times larger than the red soil.The pH value of limestone soil was higher than red soil, which is higher about 2.16 units.The total contents of elements in the limestone were higher than the red soil except K, Na, B, Mo and I.As to the elements contents of plants, it was found that the plants living in limestone soil had higher element content than the plants living in red soil, but the content of K of plants from limestone was lower.However, the contents of trace elements in plants living in the red soil except Cu and Mo were much higher.By analyzing the available element contents of rhizospheric soil, it was found that the available contents of trace elements in limestone soil were much lower than in red soil.And the element available content of red soil had positive correration with the pH value, which was about 62.5%.But the element available content of limestone soil had an opposite relation and the organic compounds had positive correration with trace available content of rhizospheric soil of elements.So that the character of limestone abundant in Ca restricts the available content of trace elements.
Key words:  soil  element  content  limestone soil  red soil

