  • 陈健辉,陈润坚,谢鸿.含苯甲酸钠保鲜剂对切花的保鲜效果研究[J].广西科学,2006,13(1):65-70.    [点击复制]
  • CHEN Jian-hui,CHEN Run-jian,XIE Hong.Study the Preservative Effect of Sodium Benzoate on the Cut Flowers[J].Guangxi Sciences,2006,13(1):65-70.   [点击复制]
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陈健辉, 陈润坚, 谢鸿
(广州大学生命科学学院, 广东广州 510006)
以市售菊花(Dendranthema morifolium)和非洲菊(Gerbera jamesonii)为切花材料,用不同试剂、不同浓度组成含苯甲酸钠与含银离子的保鲜剂,与蒸馏水作对照进行切花保鲜试验,研究保鲜剂对切花寿命、形态结构及花冠可溶性糖含量的影响。结果表明,含苯甲酸钠保鲜剂与含银离子保鲜剂对切花的保鲜效果相当;与用蒸馏水处理的对照相比,菊花的瓶插寿命比对照组约长14d,非洲菊比对照组约长10d;经保鲜剂处理的花开放程度更大,花色鲜艳,观赏价值更高;在内部结构上,保鲜剂处理过的材料,薄壁组织细胞的淀粉粒含量较多,可溶性糖的含量更高,维管束结构清晰、完整。含苯甲酸钠的配方能够替代含银离子的配方用于切花保鲜,并能有效克服非洲菊弯颈现象。
关键词:  切花  保鲜剂  苯甲酸钠  银离子
Study the Preservative Effect of Sodium Benzoate on the Cut Flowers
CHEN Jian-hui, CHEN Run-jian, XIE Hong
(College of Life Science, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510006, China)
In order to study the effects on the preservative with sodium benzoate or silver ion of the Gerbera jamesonii yellow flower and the Dendranthema morifolium yellow flower, more formulations containing cane sugar, silver nitrate, potassium aluminum sulphate, chlormequat, Vc with different concentrations and various combinations were treated with sodium benzoate solution or silver ion solution.In order to study the changes in morphology and in starch grains in cells of cut flowers, they were treated with preservative solutions, and the distilled water as a control.The results showed that the preservative effect with sodium benzoate is equal to the silver ion.The Dendranthema morifolium yellow flower treated with preservative was about fourteen days longer than that of the distilled water, and the Gerbera jamesonii yellow flower treated with preservative was about ten days longer than that of the distilled water, and the time of withering was much prolonged and the flower color was more fresh.The decomposition rate of cells in parenchyma tissue was delayed and the tissue in corolla was with a more clear vascular bundles and complete structure, the number of starch grain in cells was more, the content of soluble sugar in corolla was much higher and the decline speed slowed in comparison with the controls.This preservative with sodium benzoate could be a substitution of that containing silver ion.And effective surmounted the neck-bending phenomena in Gerbera jamesonii.
Key words:  cut flowers  preservative  sodium benzoate  silver ion

