  • 吕仕洪,李先琨,陆树华,向悟生,覃家科,欧祖兰,王晓英.广西岩溶乡土树种育苗及造林研究[J].广西科学,2006,13(3):236-240.    [点击复制]
  • Lü Shi-hong,LI Xian-kun,LU Shu-hua,XIANG Wu-sheng,QIN Jia-ke,OU Zu-lan,WANG Xiao-ying.The Preliminary Study on Seedling and Afforestation of Native Trees in Karst Region of Guangxi[J].Guangxi Sciences,2006,13(3):236-240.   [点击复制]
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吕仕洪, 李先琨, 陆树华, 向悟生, 覃家科, 欧祖兰, 王晓英
(广西植物研究所, 广西桂林 541006)
观察测定2002~2005年期间,在广西平果县果化镇龙何生态重建示范区内育苗与造林的20种岩溶乡土树种的苗木成活率和植株生长量。结果表明,苗圃育苗的19种岩溶乡土树种的种子的发芽率较高,苗木生长比较正常,大部分树种的苗木均表现出早期生长慢、后期生长快的势头。直播造林的树种中,以苏木(Caesalpinia sappan)的苗木最好,蒜头果(Malania oleifera)和南酸枣(Choerospondias axillaries)的苗木次之,其他种类则较差;植苗造林的苗木成活率多在80%以上,生长速度较快的树种主要有茶条木(Delavaya toxocarpa)、伊桐(Itoa orientalis)、楹树(Albizzia chinensis)、广西顶果木(Acrocarpus fraxinifolius)和无患子(Sapindus mukorossi)等,而蝴蝶果(Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei)、南酸枣、狗骨木(Cornus wilsoniana)、苹婆(Sterculia nobilis)、东京桐(Deutzianthus tonkiensis)、海南椴(Hainania trichosperma)和海南蒲桃(Syzygium hainanense)等树种的生长则较慢。
关键词:  岩溶  乡土树种  育苗  造林
The Preliminary Study on Seedling and Afforestation of Native Trees in Karst Region of Guangxi
Lü Shi-hong, LI Xian-kun, LU Shu-hua, XIANG Wu-sheng, QIN Jia-ke, OU Zu-lan, WANG Xiao-ying
(Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guilin, Guangxi, 541006, China)
During 2002~2005, 20 species of Karst native trees were cultivated and planted in Longhe Eco-restoration Demonstration District, and the survival rate and growth rate were measured.On the one hand, 19 species of Karst native trees cultivated in nursery had higher germination rate, and most of the seedlings had the same trend of slow growing at early stage and rapid growing at late stage.On the other hand, among the direct seedings, Caesalpinia sappan grew best, Malania oleifera and Choerospondias axillaries followed.The survival rate of the species of transplant seedling were more than 80%, and some species, such as Delavaya toxocarpa, Itoa orientalis, Albizzia chinensis, Acrocarpus fraxinifolius and Sapindus mukorossi etc.had higher growth rate, Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei, Choerospondias axillaries, Cornus wilsoniana, Sterculia nobilis, Deutzianthus tonkiensis, Hainania trichosperma, and Syzygium hainanense etc.had lower growth rate.
Key words:  karst  native trees  cultivating seedlings  afforestation

