  • 蒙上阳,路廷镇,辛健,苏志军,刘飞.温度载荷对固体火箭发动机药柱表面裂纹稳定性影响[J].广西科学,2008,15(1):52-54,57.    [点击复制]
  • MENG Shang-yang,LU Ting-zhen,XIN Jian,SU Zhi-jun,LIU Fei.Effects of Thermal Loading on Stability of the Surface Crack in Solid Rocket Motor Grains[J].Guangxi Sciences,2008,15(1):52-54,57.   [点击复制]
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蒙上阳1, 路廷镇2, 辛健2, 苏志军2, 刘飞2
(1.中国人民解放军 63961 部队, 北京 100012;2.中国人民解放军 96630 部队, 北京 102206)
关键词:  发动机  固体火箭  有限元法  奇异裂纹元  应力强度因子  温度载荷
Effects of Thermal Loading on Stability of the Surface Crack in Solid Rocket Motor Grains
MENG Shang-yang1, LU Ting-zhen2, XIN Jian2, SU Zhi-jun2, LIU Fei2
(1.PLA Troops of 63961, Beijing, 100012, China;2.PLA Troops of 96630, Beijing, 102206, China)
In order to judge the stability of the surface crack in solid rocket motor (SRM)grains while the SRM was launched in different environmental temperature. A SRM with the grain configuration of fin cone and umbrella-type trays and column was taken as example.Three-dimension finite elements calculation models of the surface crack were established and three-dimension singular crack elements near the crack tip were set up to simulate the surface crack propagation. Under joint action of thermal loading, working pressure and axial acceleration overloading, aimed at different surface crack depths, the stress intensity factors were calculated respectively and the calculated results could be used to judge the crack stability.The results showed that the umbrella slot and the column section surface cracks would not expend with the opening model.The umbrella slot surface crack would not expend with the sliding model.Except low temperature, under high temperature and normal temperature, the column section cracks would auto stop to expend with the sliding model.If the umbrella slot surface cracks expend, they would expend with the tearing model, and launching in low temperature was more dangerous than high temperature.The column section cracks would expend with tearing model, and launching in high temperature was more dangerous than low temperature.
Key words:  motor  solid rocket  finite element method  singular crack element  stress intensity factor  thermal loading

