  • 潘春柳,黄浩,黄宝优,余丽莹.罗勒引种驯化研究初报[J].广西科学,2009,16(3):331-334.    [点击复制]
  • PAN Chun-liu,HUANG Hao,HUANG Bao-you,YU Li-ying.Experiment on Introduction and Domestication of Ocimum basilicum Linn.[J].Guangxi Sciences,2009,16(3):331-334.   [点击复制]
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潘春柳, 黄浩, 黄宝优, 余丽莹
(中国医学科学院药用植物研究所广西分所, 广西药用植物园, 广西南宁 530023)
以来源于泰国的药用植物罗勒(Ocimum basilicum Linn.)为研究对象,进行了种子萌发和栽培试验研究。种子萌发试验在15℃恒温、25℃恒温、15℃/25℃变温(15℃ 8h,25℃ 16h)3种温度条件下进行。栽培试验进行栽培密度和施肥对比两种试验;栽培密度试验设20cm×30cm,30cm×40cm,40cm×50cm 3种处理,每种处理3个重复;施肥对比试验设每公顷施复合肥0kg(对照)、450kg,675kg,900kg,4种处理,每种处理3个重复。结果表明,罗勒种子在3种温度条件下均可萌发,以15℃/25℃的变温处理萌发效果最好;不同栽培密度对罗勒的生长有显著影响,20cm×30cm密度条件下每公顷的鲜重产量和干重产量的平均值最大;施肥能够明显促进罗勒的高和冠幅生长,以每公顷施用复合肥675kg效果最佳,单株鲜重和干重分别达611g和111g。栽培过程中罗勒病虫害出现少,是一种易于栽培和管理的品种,适合本地区推广种植。
关键词:  罗勒  栽培密度  施肥  药用植物
Experiment on Introduction and Domestication of Ocimum basilicum Linn.
PAN Chun-liu, HUANG Hao, HUANG Bao-you, YU Li-ying
(Guangxi Branch, Institute of Medicinal Plant, Chinese Academy of Medical Science, Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plant, Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plant, Nanning, Guangxi, 530023, China)
Seeds germination and cultivation technology of Ocimum basilicum Linn.introduced from Thailand were investigated.Seeds germination experiment was carried on under constant temperature of 15℃, 25℃ and fluctuating temperature of 15~25℃.Contrast experiments of cultivation density and fertilization amount were carried on in cultivation experiment.Cultivation density experiment included 3 disposals of 20cm×30cm, 30cm×40cm and 40cm×50cm, with 3 repeats for each disposal;fertilization amount experiment included 4 disposals of 0kg, 450kg, 675kg and 900kg, with 3 repeats for each disposal.The results showed that seeds of Ocimum basilicum Linn.could germinated under constant temperature of 15℃, 25℃ and fluctuating temperature of 15~25℃, the germination of the last one was the optimum;cultivation density had significant influence on the growth of Ocimum basilicum Linn., and the average yield of fresh and dry weight per hectare was highest under 20cm×30cm cultivation density;fertilization could remarkably influence the height and the crown width of Ocimum basilicum Linn., the fertilization effect of 675kg compound-fertilizer per hertare was the optimum, of which the fresh and dry weight of single plant was 611g and 111g respectively.This specy is easily cultivated and handled.The disease and insect pest is rave.It is deserved to populize in this area.
Key words:  Ocimum basilicum Linn.  cultivation density  fertilization  medicinal plant

