  • 陈波,李培良,侍茂崇,邱绍芳,庄军莲,何碧娟,蒋磊明.北部湾潮致余流和风生海流的数值计算与实测资料分析[J].广西科学,2009,16(3):346-352.    [点击复制]
  • CHEN Bo,LI Pei-liang,SHI Mao-chong,QIU Shao-fang,ZHUANG Jun-lian,HE Bi-juan,JIANG Lei-ming.Numerical Computation and Analysis of Observational Data of Tide-induced Residual Currents and Wind-driven Currents in Beibu Bay[J].Guangxi Sciences,2009,16(3):346-352.   [点击复制]
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陈波1, 李培良2, 侍茂崇2, 邱绍芳1, 庄军莲1, 何碧娟1, 蒋磊明3
(1.广西科学院, 广西南宁 530007;2.中国海洋大学, 山东青岛 266003;3.广西大学, 广西南宁 530004)
关键词:  潮致余流  风生海流  摸拟计算  北部湾
Numerical Computation and Analysis of Observational Data of Tide-induced Residual Currents and Wind-driven Currents in Beibu Bay
CHEN Bo1, LI Pei-liang2, SHI Mao-chong2, QIU Shao-fang1, ZHUANG Jun-lian1, HE Bi-juan1, JIANG Lei-ming3
(1.Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China;2.China Ocean University, Qingdao, Shandong, 266003, China;3.Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
The velocity of tide-induced residual currents in Beibu Bay is about 1~2cm/s.Near Hainan island, cyclonical circulations of residual currents are located on the north of Yangpu, west of Dongfang and south-west of Yingge Sea respectively.There is an anti-cyclonical eddy near estuary of Hong river in Vietnam.Wind-driven current presents different models.In winter, the surface current on the north of 19°N is mainly SW, while westward near Hainan island and southward in Vietnam coastal on the south of 19°N.In most area the velocity is 5~12cm/s and the maximum is 10~20cm/s appearing on the west of Qiongzhou strait and south-west of Hainan island.The bottom velocity is obviously small than the surface velocity.In summer, the surface current in most area is mainly NE, while eastward (3~7cm/s) on the south of Hainan island.The velocity is 7~9cm/s in Vietnam coastal and on the west and north-west of Hainan island, and the maximum is 12cm/s appearing on the west and north-west of Hainan island.The bottom velocity is mostly small than 1cm/s.
Key words:  tide-induced residual currents  wind-driven currents  numerical computation  beibu bay

