  • 刘建敏.基于小班数据库的忻城县森林优势树种组生长模型研究[J].广西科学,2011,18(3):294-297.    [点击复制]
  • LIU Jian-min.Growth Model of Dominant Tree Species Based on Database of Small Forest in Xincheng County[J].Guangxi Sciences,2011,18(3):294-297.   [点击复制]
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(广西南宁林业勘测设计院, 广西南宁 530001)
关键词:  森林生长量  生长模型  优势树种组  数据库
Growth Model of Dominant Tree Species Based on Database of Small Forest in Xincheng County
LIU Jian-min
(Guangxi Nanning Forestry Survey and Design Institute, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China)
The sample element, from the forest inventory planning and design database in Xincheng collective forest area in 2009, is divided into four dominant kinds of tree species, including pine, broad-leaf tree, fast growing eucalyptus and Chinese fir.Logistic curve regression model and Richard curve regression model are applied to fit the regression model from the tree ages (a) and the forest trees per hectare (M), then the current annual growth percentage, the current annual increment, and the mean increment are calculated from three forest areas in Xincheng, including the collective, Oudong and Taoyuan.The results show that the growth model of the pine, Chinese fir, fast growing eucalyptus and broad-leaf tree are M=136.9639/(1+51.3727e0.2295a), M=144.4078/(1+16.6000e0.2120a), M=163.0894/(1+33.2045e0.9546a), and M=118.3961 (1-e-0.2203a)27.5348.The current annual increment is less than the mean increment in the three areas, indicating that the forest growth enters into the mature period.The strongest growth potential of pine is in the collective forest area, with the weakest in Taoyuan, the strongest growth potential of the Chinese fir is in Taoyuan forest, with the weakest in the Oudong, and the strongest growth potential of the fast growing eucalyptus, hardwood is in Taoyuan forest, with the weakest in the collective forest area.
Key words:  forest growth  growth model  dominant species  database

