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赵志国,黄宁珍,唐凤鸾,付传明,石云平,黄志琼.桂北南方优质早熟梨生理异常现象成因研究[J].广西科学,2011,18(3):298-303. [点击复制]
- ZHAO Zhi-guo,HUANG Ning-zhen,TANG Feng-luan,FU Chuan-ming,SHI Yun-ping,HUANG Zhi-qiong.Research on the Cause of Physiologic Abnormity of South-Early-Ripening-Pear in North Guangxi[J].Guangxi Sciences,2011,18(3):298-303. [点击复制]
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桂北南方优质早熟梨生理异常现象成因研究 |
赵志国1, 黄宁珍1, 唐凤鸾1, 付传明1, 石云平1, 黄志琼2
(1.广西壮族自治区、中国科学院广西植物研究所, 广西桂林 541006;2.广西壮族自治区桂林市农科所, 广西桂林 541006) |
摘要: |
以丰水和翠冠两个南方优质早熟梨品种为研究材料,分析了气候条件、梨品种特性、水肥管理模式以及生理异常发生前后6个月内植株叶片氮、磷、钾等主要营养元素含量变化与桂北地区梨树生理异常现象形成的关系。结果表明:丰水梨更容易发生生理异常现象;桂北地区秋冬季气温偏高、夏秋之交高温干旱、品种遗传特性、病虫危害和梨园的综合管理措施不到位等因素,可诱发叶片早落和返青返花等生理异常现象提早发生并加重其程度;尤其是管理不善的丰水梨园,生理异常提早发生1~2月,返花指数80%、高出正常果园55%。丰水梨正常叶的元素分析结果显示,生理异常较严重的果园,其N、P、K含量为21.88 g/kg、0.197 mg/kg、1.48 mg/kg;生理异常较轻的果园,其N、P、K含量则为19.52 g/kg、0.176 mg/kg、1.36 mg/kg;两者的N、P、K差异均不明显,因此,叶片早落发生前的2~4个月内树体无机营养水平与生理异常现象的发生并无直接关联。 |
关键词: 早熟梨 生理异常 早期落叶 二次开花 元素分析 |
DOI: |
投稿时间:2011-06-07 |
基金项目:广西科技攻关项目(桂科攻0992011-9)资助 |
Research on the Cause of Physiologic Abnormity of South-Early-Ripening-Pear in North Guangxi |
ZHAO Zhi-guo1, HUANG Ning-zhen1, TANG Feng-luan1, FU Chuan-ming1, SHI Yun-ping1, HUANG Zhi-qiong2
(1.Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin, Guangxi, 541006, China;2.Guilin Institute of Agricultural Science, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guilin, Guangxi, 541006, China) |
Abstract: |
Two cultivars of South-Early-Ripening-Pear, Pyrus spp.cv.Fengshui and Pyrus spp.cv.Cuiguan, were used as experimental trees to investigate on their cultural environments, cultivar, water and fertilizer managements, as well as the variation of contents of some main nutrition elements (N, P, K) in the leaves within 6 months before and after physiologic abnormity occurrence, and then the relationships of these factors were analyzed with the forming of physiologic abnormity in North Guangxi.The results showed that physiologic abnormity was apt to arise in Pyrus spp.cv.Fengshui.The following factors would induce the physiologic abnormity to occur earlier and more seriously, such as higher temperature in autumn and winter, high temperature and arid environment in the junction period of summer and autumn, cultivar genetic characteristics, plant diseases and insect pests, inadequate integrated management of the pear orchard, etc.Especially of the Pyrus spp.cv.Fengshui trees in bad management orchard, the physiologic abnormity occurred 1~2 month earlier, and the index of reflorescence was 80% and a 55% higher than that of good management one.The contents of N, P, K in leaves of Pyrus spp.cv.Fengshui were 21.88 g/kg, 0.197 mg/kg, 1.48 mg/kg in serious physiologic abnormity orchard, and 19.52 g/kg、0.176 mg/kg、1.36 mg/kg in slight physiologic abnormity one.There were no significant differences on the contents of N, P, and K between the two types of orchards.Thus there was no direct correlation between physiologic abnormity and the contents of mineral nutrition elements within 2~4 months before earlier defoliation. |
Key words: early-ripening-pear physiologic abnormity earlier defoliation reflorescence element analysis |