  • 戴传勇,隆玉杰,银胜高,辛宁,黄云,刘布鸣.维C银翘片的红外光谱学研究[J].广西科学,2014,21(3):275-278.    [点击复制]
  • DAI Chuan-yong,LONG Yu-Jie,YIN Sheng-gao,XIN Ning,HUANG Yun,LIU Bu-ming.Study on Infrared Spectrum of VC Yinqiao Tablets[J].Guangxi Sciences,2014,21(3):275-278.   [点击复制]
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戴传勇1, 隆玉杰2, 银胜高3, 辛宁3, 黄云3, 刘布鸣4
(1.广西农业职业技术学院, 广西南宁 530007;2.广西邦尔药业有限公司, 广西百色 531500;3.广西中医药大学, 广西南宁 530001;4.广西中医药研究院, 广西南宁 530022)
关键词:  维C银翘片  维生素C  对乙酰氨基酚  红外光谱
Study on Infrared Spectrum of VC Yinqiao Tablets
DAI Chuan-yong1, LONG Yu-Jie2, YIN Sheng-gao3, XIN Ning3, HUANG Yun3, LIU Bu-ming4
(1.Guangxi Agricultural Vocational-Technical College, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China;2.Guangxi Bonger Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd., Baise, Guangxi, 531500, China;3.Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China;4.Guangxi Institute of Traditional Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530022, China)
[Objective] The characteristics of infrared spectroscopy of vitamin C Yinqiao tablets were investigated in order to provide reference for its quality control.[Methods] Detection of 10 different batches of vitamin C Yinqiao tablets produced by Guangxi Yingkang Pharmaceutical Company using infrared spectroscopy, and its average spectrum was served as the standard atlas (i.e. standard atlas 1) to detect the similarity of each sample.[Results] The infrared characteristic absorption peaks were obtained from Vc Yinqiao tablets, which were characterized with the three common infrared characteristic absorption peaks among Vc Yinqiao tablets, Vc and acetaminophen-control products, and for detecting both Vc and acetaminophen.The results showed that the similarity of 10 samples ranged from 0.9941 to 0.9993, formulated the threshold of 0.9900.[Conclusion] This experiment method is simple, rapid, sensitive, which can provide reference for qualitative identification of the Vc Yinqiao tablets and detection of Vc and acetaminophen in the prescription.
Key words:  Vc Yinqiao tablet  Vc  acetaminophen  infrared spectrum

