  • 曹雪峰,郭佩芳,石洪源.三维双层嵌套Logistic模型在海洋工程中的适应性研究[J].广西科学,2015,22(3):255-259.    [点击复制]
  • CAO Xue-feng,GUO Pei-fang,SHI Hong-yuan.Adaptability Research of Three-Dimensional Nested Logistic Model in Ocean Engineering[J].Guangxi Sciences,2015,22(3):255-259.   [点击复制]
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曹雪峰, 郭佩芳, 石洪源
(中国海洋大学, 山东青岛 266100)
关键词:  三维双层嵌套Logistic模型  联合概率  广义极值分布  重现期
Adaptability Research of Three-Dimensional Nested Logistic Model in Ocean Engineering
CAO Xue-feng, GUO Pei-fang, SHI Hong-yuan
(Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong, 266100, China)
[Objective] With the rapid development of massive and complicated ocean engineering, the theory and application of multivariate extreme value distribution model become more important than before.[Methods] This paper presents the process of the three-dimensional nested logistic model, trivariate extreme value distribution with marginals of generalized extreme value distribution, which is the unified form of three types of extreme value distribution and precludes human's disturbance from arbitrary choice of distribution type.The joint distribution of three factors, which are annual maximum water level and the corresponding wave height and wind speed, is analyzed using observed data from Shidao observation station, where these three random variables are mutually correlated.The joint probability and associated return period could be easily derived from the model.[Results] The model is suitable for representing the joint distribution of problems involved three correlated factors in ocean engineering.[Conclusion] This model is adaptable and flexible than bivariate models.It contributes significantly to assess the risk associated with different hydrological problems which involve three factors.
Key words:  three-dimensional nested logistic model  joint probability  general extreme value distribution  return period

