  • 牙韩争,高劲松,董德信.北部湾海表面温度变化特征及其影响因素分析[J].广西科学,2015,22(3):260-265.    [点击复制]
  • YA Han-zheng,GAO Jing-song,DONG De-xin.Analysis of Variation Characteristics and Driving Factors of Sea Surface Temperature in Beibu Gulf[J].Guangxi Sciences,2015,22(3):260-265.   [点击复制]
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牙韩争, 高劲松, 董德信
(广西科学院广西近海海洋环境科学重点实验室, 广西南宁 530007)
[目的]了解北部湾海表面温度(SST)变化特征及其影响因素。[方法]根据NOAA提供的北部湾海域1994~2013年间SST、海面风场、潜热通量、Nino 3.4指数资料,采用平均值法、最小二乘法分析海域冬、夏两季SST分布及变化特征;采用相关系数法计算SST与海面风场、潜热通量及Nino 3.4指数间的相关系数,分析海面风场、潜热通量、厄尔尼诺效应对SST的影响。[结果]1994~2013年间,北部湾海域冬季SST约为19.0~24.0℃,大致呈"北冷南暖"的特点,夏季SST相差不大,约为28.6~29.8℃;海域冬季以降温为主,幅度约为-0.03℃/a,夏季则表现为小幅度升温,幅度约为0.01℃/a;纬向风、潜热通量对SST影响较大,厄尔尼诺事件仅在厄尔尼诺显著年对SST有显著的影响。[结论]纬向风、潜热通量对北部湾SST影响较大,厄尔尼诺现象在厄尔尼诺显著年对SST有较大的影响。
关键词:  北部湾  海表面温度  变化特征  影响因素
Analysis of Variation Characteristics and Driving Factors of Sea Surface Temperature in Beibu Gulf
YA Han-zheng, GAO Jing-song, DONG De-xin
(Guangxi Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China)
[Objective] The sea surface temperature (SST) in Beibu Gulf was studied in order to understand its variation characteristics and their driving factors.[Methods] Based on the SST, latent heat flux, surface wind and Nino 3.4 index data from 1994 to 2013 provided by NOAA, the distribution feature and the variation characteristics of the SST in Beibu Gulf were analyzed firstly by mean value method and least square method, respectively, and then the influence of latent heat flux, surface wind and EI Nino on the SST were estimated by correlation coefficient method.[Results] The results show that the temperature in Beibu Gulf was about 19.0~24.0℃ in winter and about 28.6~29.8℃ in summer.In winter, the temperature in the Gulf was low in the north and high in the south, but this variation tends to coincide in summer.The temperature in Beibu Gulf was getting lower gradually in winter and vice versa in summer, with the strength of -0.03℃/a in winter and 0.01℃/a in summer, respectively.The zonal wind and the latent heat flux had significant influences on the SST, but the EI Nino event has significant affected on the SST in EI Nino significant year only.[Conclusion] The zonal wind and the latent heat flux had significant influences on SST in the Beibu Gulf, but the EI Nino event has significant affected on SST in EI Nino significant year only.
Key words:  Beibu Gulf  sea surface temperature (SST)  variation characteristics  driving factors

