  • 黄文东,李陶深.基于链路角度最优化的无线Mesh骨干网络拓扑控制[J].广西科学,2017,24(3):274-278.    [点击复制]
  • HUANG Wendong,LI Taoshen.On Topology Control Technology for Wireless Mesh Network based on Link Angle Optimization[J].Guangxi Sciences,2017,24(3):274-278.   [点击复制]
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黄文东1, 李陶深2,3
(1.钦州学院电子与信息工程学院, 广西钦州 535000;2.广西大学计算机与电子信息学院, 广西南宁 530004;3.广西高校并行分布式计算技术重点实验室, 广西南宁 530004)
关键词:  无线Mesh骨干网络  拓扑结构控制  定线通讯  信号干扰  通信链路角度
On Topology Control Technology for Wireless Mesh Network based on Link Angle Optimization
HUANG Wendong1, LI Taoshen2,3
(1.School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Qinzhou University, Qinzhou, Guangxi, 535000, China;2.School of Computer, Electronics and Information in Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;3.Guangxi Colleges and Universities Key Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Computing Technology, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
[Objective] In order to optimize the complexity, communication link and omnidirectional communication angle signal interference and serious deficiencies of the wireless Mesh backbone network topology based on Delaunay structure, this paper proposes a topology control algorithm based on directional communication mechanism for node link angle optimization.[Methods] First, this algorithm optimized the node communication link angle to make its angle relatively maximum and reduced the complexity of network topology. Secondly, it used the directional communication mechanism to reduce signal interference between the communication link.[Results] Under the constraint condition, the topology optimization control algorithm not only made the Angle of node links the largest, reduced the signal interference of directional communication, but also improved the WMN network packet loss rate, delay and throughput performance.[Conclusion] The simulation experiment results showed that topology control algorithm was effective.
Key words:  wireless Mesh backbone network  topology control  line communication  signal interference  communication link angle

