  • 李相林,谢华,彭波,杨瑞刚,谢洲.大藤峡水利枢纽施工初期对冬季水鸟群落的影响[J].广西科学,2018,25(6):684-693.    [点击复制]
  • LI Xianglin,XIE Hua,PENG Bo,YANG Ruigang,XIE Zhou.Impact of Datengxia Gorge Water Conservancy on Waterfowl Communities in Winter at the Early Stage of Construction[J].Guangxi Sciences,2018,25(6):684-693.   [点击复制]
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李相林1,2, 谢华1,2, 彭波1, 杨瑞刚1,2, 谢洲1
(1.广西环境保护科学研究院, 广西南宁 530022;2.广西高校西江流域生态环境与一体化发展协同创新中心, 广西南宁 530022)
[目的] 探讨水利枢纽施工初期水鸟群落多样性以及不同类群水鸟在施工活动影响下的变化趋势,可为后续开展深入的课题研究以及制定更为有针对性的水鸟群落保护措施提供参考依据和数据支撑。[方法] 2015-2018年的冬季(1-2月),研究区域内共选取4条代表性样带(施工区域3条、背景区域1条)进行水鸟种类、数量、生境状况、取食方式等野外调查,计算水鸟丰富度、物种多样性、优势度、取食生态位宽度等指数。[结果] 在大藤峡水利枢纽主要影响区域共记录到水鸟12种,隶属6目9科,其中留鸟5种(占41.7%)、冬候鸟5种(占41.7%)、旅鸟2种(占16.6%)。研究区域水鸟群落优势种(RB>10)为矶鹬(Actitis hypoleucos)、白鹡鸰(Motacilla alba)、理氏鹨(Anthus richardi)、黑喉即鸟鸟石即鸟鸟(Saxicola torquata);普通种(1 < RB ≤ 10)为普通翠鸟(Alcedo atthis)、灰鹡鸰(Motacilla cinerea);其余为稀有种。其中背景区域的水鸟种类(6.00±0.00种)、数量(840.50±9.29只)、多样性指数(1.485±0.004)趋于平稳,变动较小;施工区域的水鸟种类(8.00±1.85种)、数量(601.50±287.76只)、多样性指数(1.589±0.220)波动相对较大,且随着施工进程的推进均出现了不同程度的减少。不同优势度水鸟的取食生态位宽度差别较大,表现为优势种(6.79±1.27) > 常见种(3.63±0.07) > 稀有种(2.48±0.30)。[结论] 大藤峡水利枢纽主要影响区域的冬季水鸟群落结构以冬候鸟为主,且各物种的体型较小。体型较大的游禽、鹭科种类以及大型鸻鹬类在研究区域基本未有出现的记录。施工活动明显造成了冬季水鸟种类和数量的减少,水鸟群落多样性与施工强度呈现显著负相关关系。生态位宽度值较高的优势种对环境适应程度较高,故施工活动对其的影响较小,而对常见种的影响次之,对生态位宽度值较低的稀有种影响最大。
关键词:  水利枢纽  施工初期  水鸟群落  多样性  取食生态位
Impact of Datengxia Gorge Water Conservancy on Waterfowl Communities in Winter at the Early Stage of Construction
LI Xianglin1,2, XIE Hua1,2, PENG Bo1, YANG Ruigang1,2, XIE Zhou1
(1.Scientific Research Academy of Guangxi Environmental Protection, Nanning, Guangxi, 530022, China;2.The Collaborative Innovation Center of the Ecological Environment & Integration Development in the Xijiang River Basin, Nanning, Guangxi, 530022, China)
[Objective] The purpose of this study was to survey the variation trend of waterfowl community diversity and species of different dominance at the early stage of construction,and provide reference and data support for further in-depth research and the formulation of more targeted protection measures for waterfowl communities.[Methods] The fieldwork was conducted in the winter(January-February)of 2015-2018. Four representative sample strips (3 transects in the construction area and 1 transect in the background area) were selected to investigate the species,number,spatial distribution,and forging patterns of waterfowl in the fixed transect. The richness,species diversity,dominance and forging niche breadth index of waterfowl were calculated based on the information of birds,species and habitats.[Results] Through field investigation,A total of 12 species of waterfowl were recorded in the main impact area of Datengxia gorge water conservancy, belonging to 9 families and 6 orders. Among them,5 species were resident birds(41.7%),5 species were winter birds(41.7%),and 2 species were travelers(16.6%). The dominant species(frequency index RB>10) were Common Sandpiper(Actitis hypoleucos),White Wagtail (Motacilla alba),Richard's Pipit(Anthus richardi),Siberian Stonechat (Saxicola torquata).The common species (1B ≤ 10) were Common Kingfisher(Alcedo atthis)and Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea).The rest were rare species.The waterfowl species (6.00±0.00),the number (840.50±9.29) and the diversity index (1.485±0.004) in the background area tended to be stable. The waterfowl species (8.00±1.85), the number (601.50±287.76) and the diversity index (1.589±0.220) in the construction area fluctuated relatively large,and with the progress of the construction,they all decreased in varying degrees. The forging niche breadth of waterfowl with different dominance was different, showing the dominant species (6.79±1.27)>common species (3.63±0.07)> rare species (2.48±0.30).[Conclusion] Winter birds was the main component of the winter waterfowl community in the main impact area of Datengxia gorge water conservancy. They were small size,larger types of swimming birds,herons,and large scale snipe were basically not recorded in the study area. The construction activities significantly reduced the species and number of waterfowl in winter. There was a significant negative correlation between the diversity of waterfowl communities and the intensity of construction. The dominant species with higher niche breadth value had a higher degree of adaptation to the environment,and the construction activities had less influence on them,while the influence on common species was second,and the impact on the rare species with low niche breadth was the greatest.
Key words:  water conservancy  early stage of construction  waterfowl communities  diversity  forging ecological niche

