  • 俞筱押,李家美,任明迅.中国南方苦苣苔科植物在喀斯特地貌和丹霞地貌上的适应分化[J].广西科学,2019,26(1):132-140.    [点击复制]
  • YU Xiaoya,LI Jiamei,REN Mingxun.Adaptive Differentiation of Gesneriaceae on Karst and Danxia Landforms in Southern China[J].Guangxi Sciences,2019,26(1):132-140.   [点击复制]
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俞筱押1,2, 李家美3, 任明迅4
(1.黔南民族师范学院旅游与资源环境学院, 贵州都匀 558000;2.贵州省黔南景区溶洞旅游资源开发与生态环境保护工程研究中心, 贵州都匀 558000;3.河南农业大学生命科学学院, 河南郑州 450002;4.海南大学生态与环境学院, 海南海口 570228)
关键词:  适应分化  生境异质性  物种形成  特有种
Adaptive Differentiation of Gesneriaceae on Karst and Danxia Landforms in Southern China
YU Xiaoya1,2, LI Jiamei3, REN Mingxun4
(1.School of Tourism and Resource Environment, Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities, Duyun, Guizhou, 558000, China;2.Engineering Research Center of Karst Cave Tourism Resource for Development and Protection in Scenic Area, Duyun, Guizhou, 558000, China;3.College of Life Sciences, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, Henan, 450002, China;4.College of Ecology and Environment, Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan, 570228, China)
Large areas of karst landforms and Danxia landforms are distributed in the same area of southern China,and the heterogeneous habitats formed may promote the differentiation and adaptation of species to achieve plant species formation and maintenance. This paper compares and studies the soil and habitat differences between the karst landforms and the Danxia landforms in southern China,and analyzes the distribution patterns and degree of specialization of the Gesneriaceae plants in these two habitats to explain the possible effects of these two habitats on species differentiation and endemic species maintenance of the Gesneriaceae genus. The results show that the soil of Danxia landform is more acidic,the potassium content of soil is extremely high,while the soil of karst landform is obviously alkaline,and the soil contains very high calcium. There are 162 species (31.58%) of Gesneriaceae plants specific or preferred to karst habitats,and the flowering period is concentrated in April-October (87.04%). There are 27 species specific or preferred to Danxia habitats,and the flowering period is concentrated at August-September (44.44%). In addition,some taxa have a wide distribution in karst landforms and Danxia landforms,but there are also certain differentiations. For example,there are a large number of Hemiboea henryi distributed in both types of habitats,and the flowering period of the population on Danxia landforms is about 2 months earlier than that of the population on karst landforms. These results confirmed that different soil properties and related environmental and climatic characteristics of the karst landforms and Danxia landforms in southern China promoted the species differentiation of Chinese Gesneriaceae,which may be an important reason for more endemic species in the narrow domain of southern China.
Key words:  adaptive differentiation  habitat heterogeneity  speciation  endemic species

