  • 韦耀妮,杨振德,文黎,席英卓,覃桂丽,玉舒中.两种生长基质下降香黄檀叶片形态解剖表型可塑性比较[J].广西科学,2021,28(2):189-195.    [点击复制]
  • WEI Yaoni,YANG Zhende,WEN Li,XI Yingzhuo,QIN Guili,YU Shuzhong.Comparison of Morphological and Anatomical Phenotypic Plasticity of Dalbergia odorifera Leaves under Two Growth Substrates[J].Guangxi Sciences,2021,28(2):189-195.   [点击复制]
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韦耀妮1, 杨振德1,2, 文黎1, 席英卓1, 覃桂丽1, 玉舒中1
(1.广西大学林学院, 广西南宁 530004;2.广西森林生态与保育重点实验室, 广西南宁 530004)
为研究不同生长基质对降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera)叶片表型可塑性(Phenotypic plasticity)的影响,为降香黄檀在石漠化地区的栽培提供依据,以全壤土和全石砾生长基质栽培下的降香黄檀幼苗为研究对象,采用石蜡切片法对叶片的形态解剖参数可塑性进行研究。结果表明:雨季(6月)取样的降香黄檀叶片形态解剖参数可塑性在不同生长基质间差异不显著(P>0.05);而在旱季(11月)取样的叶片形态解剖参数可塑性在不同生长基质间差异显著(P<0.05),在全石砾基质生长的降香黄檀叶片形态解剖参数可塑性显著高于在全壤土基质生长的降香黄檀叶片。其中,叶面积(LA)对生长基质和季节旱湿度的变化最敏感,可作为降香黄檀生长环境适应性评价的重要指标。
关键词:  降香黄檀  生长基质  叶片  形态解剖  表型可塑性
Comparison of Morphological and Anatomical Phenotypic Plasticity of Dalbergia odorifera Leaves under Two Growth Substrates
WEI Yaoni1, YANG Zhende1,2, WEN Li1, XI Yingzhuo1, QIN Guili1, YU Shuzhong1
(1.Forestry College, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;2.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Forestry Ecology and Conservatuin, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China)
To explore the effects of different growth substrates on the phenotypic plasticity of Dalbergia odorifera leaves and provide the basis for the cultivation of D.odorifera in rocky desertification areas,the seedlings of D.odorifera cultivated in the whole loam and whole gravel growth substrates were taken as the research object,the plasticity of morphological and anatomical parameters were studied by a paraffin section method.The results showed that the plasticity of leaf morphological and anatomical parameters of D.odorifera collected in the rainy season (June) had no significant difference among different growth substrates (P>0.05).In the dry season (November),there were significant differences in the plasticity of leaf morphological and anatomical parameters among different growth substrates (P<0.05).And the plasticity of leaf morphological and anatomical parameters of D.odorifera grown in the whole gravel substrate was significantly higher than those grown in the whole loam substrate.Among them,leaf area (LA) was the most sensitive to the changes of growth substrate and seasonal drought and humidity,which could be used as an important index for the evaluation of growth environment adaptability of D.odorifera.
Key words:  Dalbergia odorifera  growth substrate  leaf  morphological anatomical  phenotypic plasticity

