  • 尤其儆,陆温,蒋正晖,黎天山.广西东亚飞蝗蝗区研究[J].广西科学院学报,1991,(2):57-64.    [点击复制]
  • You Qijing,Lu Wen,Jiang Zhenghui,Li Tianshan.Study on the Area of Oriental Migratory Locust in Guangxi[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1991,(2):57-64.   [点击复制]
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尤其儆1, 陆温1, 蒋正晖1, 黎天山2
广西的飞蝗蝗区是中国东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen)蝗区的重要组成部分,蝗灾历史悠久,最早于1191年在横县发生,受蝗灾袭击的县达53个,现有蝗区面积约1.3万ha,主要分布于红水河、柳江和黔江沿岸一带的武宣、来宾及宾阳等地。
关键词:  东亚飞蝗  综合治理  广西
Study on the Area of Oriental Migratory Locust in Guangxi
You Qijing1, Lu Wen1, Jiang Zhenghui1, Li Tianshan2
(1.Institute of Biology, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning;2.Guangxi Institute of Botany, Guilin)
The area of oriental migratory locust, Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen) in Guangxi is the important part of China. The history of calamity in Guangxi can be traced back to 1191 when the disaster was recorded first in Hengxian county of Guangxi. About 53 counties suffered the disaster since then. There are still about 13.3 thousand hectares of locust area which are distributed mainly over counties along three rivers, Hongshuihe, Liujiang and Qianjiang.
The area of locust in Guangxi can be divided into two types, Waterlogging area and Riparious area The structure, forming and developing of the area of locust are expounded in the paper. The pest has two or three generations per year in Guangxi, the second and third generation are the most injurious. The key factor which results in the calamity is the lasting dry of two period, September to December of the previous year and March to June of the same year.
The strategy of integrated control of the locust in Guangxi is as follows:(1) afforesting mountain areas of the upper-midle of Xijian River valley, and bringing the fiver under control, so as to alleviate the calamity of flood and drought; (2) launching capital construction of water conservancy works and changing unsuitable cropping system; (3) paying more attention to the monitoring of the first generation, and dominating the population density of the second and third generation by chemical control.
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