  • 黄勇俐.医学期刊栏目设置现况分析[J].广西科学院学报,1999,(3):121-124.    [点击复制]
  • Huang Yongli.Status Analysis of the Placement of Features in Medical Journals[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,1999,(3):121-124.   [点击复制]
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(广西预防医学编辑部, 南宁 530021)
关键词:  医学期刊  栏目设置  现况分析
Status Analysis of the Placement of Features in Medical Journals
Huang Yongli
(The Editorial Board of Guangxi Journal of Preventive Medicine, Nanning, 530021)
The placement of features in twenty-seven kinds of journal published by Chinese Medical Association (bimonthly) during 1994~1996 was analysed with a statistical method. The maximum number of features placed was 35 and the minimum one was 11, a difference of 3.18 times.The maximum number of features used in each issue was 11.9 and the minimum one was 5.72,an average number 8.16, a difference of 1.99 times. The maximum number of regular feature placed was 9 and the samllest one was 3, an average number 5.85,a difference of 3.0 times. The maximum number of irregular features was 28 and the minimum one was 6, an avreage number 17.04, a difference of 4.67 times. An average used rates of features in 6 and 7 kinds of journals were over 50% and less 30%, respectively.Some problems in the placement of featares were overlapping and repeated application of features, "subordinated features", excessive special features, as well as unfixed names of features and so on. The author suggests that the placement of fertures in scientific and technical periodicals should contain overall, systematic and logical characterstics, at the same time, great attention must be paid to the following items:the placement of features may not be oversimplified; according to the cheracteristics of discipline, the system of features of journal itself is formed in order to keep its relative stability; according to the development of discipline, the features should be timely adjusted.
Key words:  medical journal  placement of features  status analysis

