  • 胡艳.试论柳州市对外经济贸易的发展方式[J].广西科学院学报,2000,(2):69-74.    [点击复制]
  • Hu Yan.On the Development Mode of Foreign Economy and Trade of Liuzhou City[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2000,(2):69-74.   [点击复制]
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(柳州市对外贸易经济合作局, 柳州 545000)
关键词:  对外贸易  外资引进  发展方式  城市
On the Development Mode of Foreign Economy and Trade of Liuzhou City
Hu Yan
(Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Liuzhou, Liuzhou, 545000)
The exported products of Liuzhou city, Guangxi, southern China are the resources-consumed and labour intensive products. Quite a bit of the products are lower-content in technology. The technologies and equipments imported from foreign investors are the levels of 1970s or 1980s. In the total investment, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao make up 76.7% of the total, European and American countries only 23.3%. Recent years, a number of high-tech skeleton enterprises appeared in Liuzhou city. Their products has a good sale at home. Some of them are the top ones of the same line, but they failed to bring the development of other related areas in the local economy while their grown up. The municipality should emphasize to support automobile industry by policy. The high-tech development area should be strengthened and goes well, and the leading role of the great and middle state-owned enterprises should be fully brought into paly. Meanwhile, the way of drawing investment has to be changed,such as combinations of investment synthetic drawing on and investment directional drawn on, directly drawing investment and drawing investment through investors, new build up "Three Forms of Ventures" enterprises and capital re-increasing and stock proliferation of the existing "Three Forms of Ventures" enterprises. The strategy of drawing direct investments is divided into three stages:"wide drawing investment, keep attention to investment structure","drawing investment based on the developing emphases, forstering strength of development","keep investment drawing steady, reinforcing strength of development". The local government should provide financial supports to the great and middle state-owned enterprises in the investment drawing on from international companies.
Key words:  foreign trade  drawing investment  development mode  city

