  • 邓荣艳,黄承标,何斌,黄光银,黄勇,戴军.2种短周期人工林的林下植物多样性与生物量研究[J].广西科学院学报,2009,25(2):127-129.    [点击复制]
  • DENG Rong-yan,HUANG Cheng-biao,HE Bin,HUANG Guang-yin,HUANG Yong,DAI Jun.Study on the Undergrowth Plant Diversity and Biomass of Two Short-period Plantations[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2009,25(2):127-129.   [点击复制]
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邓荣艳1, 黄承标1, 何斌1, 黄光银2, 黄勇2, 戴军3
(1.广西大学林学院, 广西南宁 530004;2.广西高峰林场, 广西南宁 530001;3.广西大桂山林场, 广西贺州 542800)
2002年3月在经过炼山同一坡面相同海拔高度的杉木人工林采伐迹地上营造尾巨桉(Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis)和厚荚相思(Acacia crassicarpa)人工林。2007年10~12月以灌草坡自然恢复植被作为对照,设置样方调查2种短周期人工林的林下植物多样性和生物量。结果表明,2种短周期人工林的林下植物物种均为27种,均比对照的43种减少37.2%;对于灌木层,尾巨桉和厚荚相思人工林的物种丰富度指数分别比对照的减少36.4%和18.2%,Shannon-Wiener指数分别比对照的增加8.9%和27.4%,Pielou均匀度指数分别比对照增加27.5%和36.3%;对于草木层,尾巨桉和厚荚相思人工林物种丰富度指数分别比对照的减少38.1%和57.1%,尾巨桉Shannon-Wiener指数比对照的减少72.7%、厚荚相思比对照的增加29.8%,尾巨桉人工林Pielou均匀度指数比对照的减少67.6%,而厚荚相思人工林比对照的增加79.9%;尾巨桉和厚荚相思人工林的林下植物生物量分别比对照的减少40.8%和83.2%,2种短周期人工林的林下灌草植物生物量分配分别与对照的分配规律相一致。
关键词:  尾巨桉  厚荚相思  人工林  短周期  植物  多样性  生物量
Study on the Undergrowth Plant Diversity and Biomass of Two Short-period Plantations
DENG Rong-yan1, HUANG Cheng-biao1, HE Bin1, HUANG Guang-yin2, HUANG Yong2, DAI Jun3
(1.Forestry College, Guangxi University, Nanning, Guangxi, 530004, China;2.Guangxi Gaofeng Forest Farm, Nanning, Guangxi, 530001, China;3.Guangxi Daguishan Forest Farm, Hezhou, Guangxi, 542800, China)
Eucalyptus urophylla×E.grandis and Acacia crassicarpa plantations were planted on the same slope and altitude, where on the fir plantation was cutting and burning in March 2002.The undergrowth plant diversity and biomass of two short-period plantations were investigated between October and December 2007,which the natural vegetation recovery of shrub-herb slope was used as control.The results showed that the species of both two short-period plantations' undergrowth plant was 27,which is 37.2% less than that on shrub-herb slope (43 species). Compared with,in shrub layer,the species richness index of E.urophylla×E.grandis and A.crassicarpa plantations was 36.4% and 18.2% respectively less than that on the shrub-herb slope.Shannon-Wiener index was 8.9% and 27.4% respectively higher than that on the shrub herb slope. Pielou evenness index was 27.5% and 36.3% respectively higher than that on the shrub herb slope.In herb layer,the species richness index of E.urophylla×E.grandis and A.crassicarpa plantations were 38.1% and 57.1% respectively less than that on the shrub herb slope;Shannon-Wiener index of E.urophylla×E.grandis was 72.7% less and A.crassicarpa was 29.8% higher than that on the shrub herb slope. Pielou evenness index of E.urophylla×E.grandis is 67.6% less and A.crassicarpa 79.9% higher than that on the shrub herb slope. The undergrowth biomass of E.urophylla×E.grandis and A.crassicarpa plantations were 40.8% and 83.2% respectively less than that on the shrub herb slope.The biomass distribution of the shrub and herb layer was the same as that of natural recovery vegetation of shrub-herb slope.
Key words:  E.urophylla×E.grandis  A.crassicarpa  plantation  short-period  plants  diversity  biomass

