  • 杨泉光,吴儒华,潘子平,陈勇棠,陈银熙,杨海娟.金花茶回归地植物群落调查研究[J].广西科学院学报,2017,33(3):209-217.    [点击复制]
  • YANG Quanguang,WU Ruhua,PAN Ziping,CHEN Yongtang,CHEN Yinxi,YANG Haijuan.Research on the Plant Community of Camellia nitidissima Re-introduction Sample Area[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2017,33(3):209-217.   [点击复制]
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杨泉光, 吴儒华, 潘子平, 陈勇棠, 陈银熙, 杨海娟
(广西防城金花茶国家级自然保护区管理处, 广西防城港 538021)
[目的]了解野生金花茶(Camellia nitidissima)种群中植物种类、植物类型和植物群落的特征,为开展金花茶回归提供参考。[方法]在广西防城金花茶国家级自然保护区内选取2个金花茶回归样地,开展回归试验,实地调查样地的植物群落,对样地的土壤性质、植物种类、乔木层结构特征、灌木层结构特征、植物生态特性等进行分析。[结果]2个金花茶回归样地的物种数均超过80种,胸径大于1 cm的树种个体数超过250株;所有种类中木本植物比草本植物的种类多,两者的比例为87:32,其中木本植物中常绿树种和落叶树种的比例为73:14;植物种类中银柴(Aporosa chinensis)和桃金娘(Rhodomyrtus tomentosa)个体数量占绝对优势,分别为43株和40株。[结论]2个回归地的植物物种多样性较丰富,其中乔灌层的种类数和个体数均比草本层多,且多为常绿树种,因乔灌层的树冠可为金花茶植物提供遮阴环境,这正好符合金花茶作为阴生树种的特性。
关键词:  金花茶  回归样地  植物群落  生态特性
Research on the Plant Community of Camellia nitidissima Re-introduction Sample Area
YANG Quanguang, WU Ruhua, PAN Ziping, CHEN Yongtang, CHEN Yinxi, YANG Haijuan
(Fangcheng Golden Camellia National Nature Reserve Management Office, Fangchenggang, Guangxi, 538021, China)
[Objective] In order to understand the characteristics of plant species,types and plant community in Camellia nitidissima population.So as to provide references for re-introduction of C.nitidissima.[Methods] 2 pieces of the plant community of C.nitidissima re-introduction sample area were selected in Guangxi Fangcheng Golden Camellia National Nature Reserve to carry out the re-introduction test and investigation of plant communities.A detailed analysis was conducted on the soil properties,the plant species,layer structure characteristics,the ecological characteristics of plants and shrubs within the sample area.[Results] There were more than 80 species of the two species of Camellia nitidissima, and more than 250 species of trees with DBH greater than 1 cm.There were 87 woody plants for every 32 species of herbaceous plant.And there were 73 species of evergreen plants for every 14 species of deciduous plants among those trees and bushes.The number of individuals in Aporosa chinensis and Rhodomyrtus tomentosa accounted for the absolute superiority in the sample area,which was 43 and 40 respectively.[Conclusion] The diversity of plant species is quite abundant in the two re-introduction sample area.Among which the number of species and the individual number of tree and shrub layer are more than the species of herbaceous plants,and mostly evergreen tree species.The canopy layer of trees and shrubs can provide a favorable shady environment for C.nitidissima, which coincides with the characteristics of Camellia nitidissima as a shady tree species.
Key words:  Camellia nitidissima  re-introduction sample area  plant community  ecological features

