  • 姜雯斐,虞兰兰,于清溪,江宇,焦艳.气候变化背景下渤黄海海温时空特征分析[J].广西科学院学报,2018,34(3):216-221.    [点击复制]
  • JIANG Wenfei,YU Lanlan,YU Qingxi,JIANG Yu,JIAO Yan.Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Sea Surface Temperature in the Bohai and Yellow Seas under the Background of Climate Change[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2018,34(3):216-221.   [点击复制]
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姜雯斐1,2, 虞兰兰1,2, 于清溪1,2, 江宇3, 焦艳2,4
(1.国家海洋局北海信息中心, 山东青岛 266061;2.山东省海洋生态环境与防灾减灾重点实验室, 山东青岛 266061;3.91049 部队, 山东青岛 266000;4.国家海洋局北海预报中心, 山东青岛 266061)
关键词:  渤黄海  海洋站  海温  长期变化趋势
Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Sea Surface Temperature in the Bohai and Yellow Seas under the Background of Climate Change
JIANG Wenfei1,2, YU Lanlan1,2, YU Qingxi1,2, JIANG Yu3, JIAO Yan2,4
(1.North China Sea Data & Information Service of State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao, Shandong, 266061, China;2.Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Environment and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Qingdao, Shandong, 266061, China;3.91049 PLA Troops, Qingdao, Shandong, 266000, China;4.North China Sea Marine Forecasting Center of State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao, Shandong, 266061, China)
[Objective] The paper was devoted to the study of spatio-temporal variation characteristics of sea surface temperature (SST) in the Bohai and Yellow Seas, and its relationship with global SST. [Methods] Several mathematical methods, such as the correlation analysis and the wavelet analysis, were used to research the SST observation data obtained from the ocean stations along the Bohai and Yellow Seas from 1985 to 2015. [Results] The SST along the coast of Bohai Sea, which was the only inland sea of China, was influenced significantly by the mainland, and consequently leaded to the large amplitude of SST changes and fast response to air temperature. The SST along the Yellow Sea maintained within small change ranges due to the rapid water exchange with the open sea, as the Yellow Sea was the marginal sea of Pacific. The periodic characteristics of SST variations in all the stations were not the same, but the relatively apparent eight year period was found after 2000. The SST in the Bohai and Yellow Seas presented a rising tendency in the past thirty years, with lower rising rate than the ocean area at the same latitude in Pacific and Atlantic, while the rising rate was higher in the Yellow Sea than in the Bohai Sea. [Conclusion] The variations in the Bohai and Yellow seas have a significant feature, such as monthly and annual variations, and a slower response to the Climate Warming than the ocean area at the same latitude in Pacific and Atlantic which results from the land-sea distribution.
Key words:  the Bohai and Yellow Seas  ocean stations  sea surface temperature  long-term trend

