  • 黄雪星,罗先群.黄精浸渣栽培食用菌试验[J].广西科学院学报,2018,34(4):331-336.    [点击复制]
  • HUANG Xuexing,LUO Xianqun.Experiment on Cultivation of Edible Fungi by the Dregs from Rhizoma polygonatum[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2018,34(4):331-336.   [点击复制]
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黄雪星, 罗先群
(广西科学院生物研究所, 广西南宁 530007)
关键词:  黄精浸渣  榆黄蘑  猴头菇
Experiment on Cultivation of Edible Fungi by the Dregs from Rhizoma polygonatum
HUANG Xuexing, LUO Xianqun
(Biology Institute, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China)
[Objective] In this study,we used the dregs of the Rhizoma polygonatum to grow edible fungus. The aim was to select edible fungus strains which were suitable for using the dregs of the Rhizoma polygonatum as the main material (more than 60%),and to determine the high yield cultivation formula by the mushroom test.[Methods] Cultivating different edible fungus strains on medium containing 60% R.polygonatum residue, the strains with better adaptability were screened out by comparing the growth of mycelia and the fruiting condition. The cultivation was carried out with different formulas of dregs of R.polygonatum residue content, and the best formula was selected by comparing the biological efficiency and the profit rate.[Results] The average biological efficiency of formula 3 cultivated Pleurotus citrinopileatus T2 reached 136%, and the average profit margin was 72%.The average biological efficiency of formula 2 cultivated Hericium Ⅰ reached 105%, and the average profit margin was 70%.[Conclusion] P.citrinopileatus T2 and Hericium Ⅰ can digest and utilize the dregs of R.polygonatum safely, and bring better economic benefits.
Key words:  dregs of R.polygonatum  P.citrinopileatus  Hericium erinaceus

