  • 覃东棉,韦吉福,雷勋杰,伍绍政.电解铝企业周边土壤氟化物累积影响的研究[J].广西科学院学报,2018,34(4):324-330.    [点击复制]
  • QIN Dongmian,WEI Jifu,LEI Xunjie,WU Shaozheng.The Research on Fluoride Accumulation in Soil Surrounding the Electrolytic Aluminum Factory[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2018,34(4):324-330.   [点击复制]
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覃东棉1, 韦吉福2, 雷勋杰1, 伍绍政1
(1.广西博环环境咨询服务有限公司, 广西南宁 530000;2.广西朴诚信息咨询有限公司, 广西南宁 530000)
[目的]系统研究电解铝企业氟化物排放对企业周边土壤的累积影响。[方法]基于电解铝企业电解烟气的监测结果,采用ADMS模式预测企业周围大气中固态氟和气态氟的年平均落地浓度,通过土壤累积预测模式预测出不同年份氟化物在土壤氟污染关心点和区域土壤中的累积影响。[结果]固态氟、气态氟的年平均落地浓度与气象、地形和距离等因素有密切的关系。土壤中氟化物的累积与企业投产运行时间密切相关,随着企业运营时间的持续,土壤中氟化物含量的不断递增,电解铝企业运行30年后,厂区四周土壤中氟化物的累积量均出现了超出100 mg·kg-1的区域,该区域最远距离可达1 640 m,总区域面积高达4 487 411 m2[结论]电解铝企业生产对周围土壤的影响不容忽视,电解铝企业应提高污染防治措施,减少氟化物的排放。
关键词:  固态氟  气态氟  ADMS模式  氟化物累积影响
The Research on Fluoride Accumulation in Soil Surrounding the Electrolytic Aluminum Factory
QIN Dongmian1, WEI Jifu2, LEI Xunjie1, WU Shaozheng1
(1.Guangxi Bohuan Environmental Consulting Services Co., Ltd, Nanning, Guangxi, 530000, China;2.Guangxi Pucheng Information Consulting Co., Ltd, Nanning, Guangxi, 530000, China)
[Objective] To systematically study the cumulative impact of fluoride emissions from electrolytic aluminum enterprises on the surrounding soil of enterprises.[Methods] Based on the monitoring results of electrolytic flue gas in electrolytic aluminum factory, the annual average concentration of solid fluoride and gaseous fluorine in the atmosphere around the factory was predicted by ADMS model. Through the soil accumulation prediction model, the cumulative effects of fluoride on the soils of pollution concerns and regions in different years were predicted.[Results] The results showed that the annual average concentration of solid fluoride and gaseous fluorine were related to the weather, topography and distance. The accumulation of fluoride in the soil was closely related to the operation time of the enterprise. As the operation time of the enterprise continued, the fluoride content in the soil increased continuously. The cumulative amount of fluoride in the soil around the plant area had exceeded 100 mg·kg-1, which had a maximum distance of 1 640 m and a total area of 4 487 411 m2.[Conclusion] The influence of the electrolytic aluminum factory on the surrounding soil cannot be ignored, and the electrolytic aluminum factory should improve pollution prevention measures and reduce the emission of fluoride.
Key words:  solid fluoride  gaseous fluorine  ADMS model  cumulative effect of fluoride

