  • 潘丽梅,付金娥,何丽丽,韦莹,冀晓雯,韦树根.黄花蒿新品种“桂蒿1号”性状变异分析[J].广西科学院学报,2019,35(1):56-60.    [点击复制]
  • PAN Limei,FU Jin'e,HE Lili,WEI Ying,JI Xiaowen,WEI Shugen.Analysis on Character Variation of a New Variety of Artemisia annua L. “GuiHao-1”[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2019,35(1):56-60.   [点击复制]
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潘丽梅, 付金娥, 何丽丽, 韦莹, 冀晓雯, 韦树根
(广西药用植物园, 广西南宁 530023)
为掌握黄花蒿(Artemisia annua L.)新品种"桂蒿1号"的稳定性和适宜性,为其区域布局和生产应用提供实践依据,本文利用性状平均值、变异系数、显著性分析等方法对黄花蒿新品种"桂蒿1号"9个主要表型性状的变异情况进行对比,综合分析该品种在不同生态环境下的性状变异。结果表明,黄花蒿新品种"桂蒿1号"在不同地域有很好的适应性,各地生长的各性状变异系数都较小,且不同年份生长的各性状变异系数也较小,特别是关键性状——青蒿素含量的变异系数只有0.643 1%。因此,黄花蒿"桂蒿1号"新品种在不同地方不同年份其各性状均有较好的适宜性和稳定性,特别是关键性状——青蒿素含量和产量均达到任务值的指标。
关键词:  黄花蒿  桂蒿1号  性状  稳定性  变异分析
Analysis on Character Variation of a New Variety of Artemisia annua L. “GuiHao-1”
PAN Limei, FU Jin'e, HE Lili, WEI Ying, JI Xiaowen, WEI Shugen
(Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants, Nanning, Guangxi, 530023, China)
In order to grasp the stability and suitability of the new variety of Artemisia annua L. "Gui Hao-1", and provide the practical basis for its regional layout and production application. By means of the average value of characters, coefficient of variation and significance analysis, a new variety of Artemisia annua L. "Gui Hao-1" was used as the experimental material to compare the variation of 9 main phenotypic characters, and the character variation under different ecological environment was analyzed comprehensively. The results showed that the new variety of Artemisia annua L. "Gui Hao-1" had good adaptability in different regions, and the coefficient of variation of the characters growing in different regions was small, and the coefficient of variation of the characters growing in different years was also small. Especially, the coefficient of variation of artemisinin content in the key characters was only 0.643 1%.Therefore, the new variety of Artemisia annua L. "Gui Hao-1" had good suitability and stability in different places and different years, especially the content and yield of artemisinin, which was the key character, both reached the target of task value.
Key words:  Artemisia annua L.  “Gui Hao-1”  character  stability  variation analysis

