  • 方超,邱广龙,苏治南.广西珍珠湾日本鳗草叶片附着卵块的分布特征[J].广西科学院学报,2021,37(3):240-247.    [点击复制]
  • FANG Chao,QIU Guanglong,SU Zhinan.Distribution Characteristics of Leaf-attached Egg Masses of Zostera japonica in Pearl Bay, Guangxi[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2021,37(3):240-247.   [点击复制]
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方超, 邱广龙, 苏治南
(广西科学院广西红树林研究中心, 广西红树林保护与利用重点实验室, 广西北海 536000)
海草床由大面积的连片海草植物构成,是许多海洋水生动物的育幼所或产卵所。研究海草植物附着卵块的分布规律,对于揭示海草床的产卵场功能有重要意义。本研究以广西珍珠湾潮间带海草日本鳗草(Zostera japonica)为研究对象,分别于2019年12月(冬季)、2020年5月(春季)和2020年7月(夏季)对叶片开展粘性卵块种类和密度的调查,探讨其季节变化规律及其与海草群落结构的关系。结果显示,调查期间日本鳗草叶片仅有秀丽织纹螺(Nassarius festivus)和奥莱彩螺(Clithon oualaniensis)两种附着卵块,前者在冬季、春季和夏季的卵块密度分别为1 026,191,191 ind./m2,而后者对应的卵块密度分别为0,209,268 ind./m2。同时,日本鳗草叶片下部的附着卵块密度显著高于上部的附着卵块密度。主成分回归分析显示,单株叶面积、地上生物量(干重)以及平均叶长等海草群落结构指标与秀丽织纹螺卵块密度呈显著相关关系,但其与奥莱彩螺卵块密度无显著相关关系。本研究结果表明,日本鳗草叶片附着卵块密度在季节和附着部位上有显著性差异,而且海草床群落结构影响了叶片附着卵的分布。
关键词:  附着卵  海草群落结构  产卵场  海草床  潮间带海草
Distribution Characteristics of Leaf-attached Egg Masses of Zostera japonica in Pearl Bay, Guangxi
FANG Chao, QIU Guanglong, SU Zhinan
(Guangxi Kay Lab of Mangrove Conservation and Utilization, Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
Seagrass bed is composed of a large area of contiguous seagrass plants. It is a nursery or spawning ground for many marine aquatic animals. It is of great significance to study the distribution rule of the attached egg masses of seagrass for revealing the spawning ground function of seagrass bed. In this study, Zostera japonica in the intertidal zone of Pearl Bay in Guangxi was taken as the research object. The species and density of sticky egg masses in the leaves were investigated in December 2019 (winter), May 2020 (spring) and July 2020 (summer), respectively, to explore its seasonal variation rule and its relationship with the community structure of seagrass. The results showed that only two attached egg masses, Nassarius festivus and Clithon oualaniensis, were found in the leaves of Z. japonica during the investigation period. The egg masses density of the former in winter, spring and summer was 1 026, 191, 191 ind. /m2, respectively, while that of the latter was 0, 209, and 268 ind. /m2. At the same time, the density of attached egg masses on the lower part of Z. japonica leaves was significantly higher than that on the upper part of the leaves. The principal component regression analysis results showed that the leaf area per plant, the above-ground biomass (dry weight) and average leaf length of seagrass community structure indexes were significantly correlated with the egg mass density of N. festivus, but there was no significant correlation between them and the egg mass density of C. oualaniensis. The results of this study showed that there were significant differences in the density of attached egg masses in Z. japonica leaves between seasons and attachment sites, and the community structure of seagrass bed affected the distribution of attached egg masses in leaves.
Key words:  attached egg  seagrass community structure  spawning ground  seagrass bed  intertidal seagrass

