  • 童立豪,谭凡民,罗砚,倪孔平.红树林人工湿地生态养殖黄鳍鲷形态性状对体质量的影响[J].广西科学院学报,2021,37(3):248-255.    [点击复制]
  • TONG Lihao,TAN Fanmin,LUO Yan,NI Kongping.Effects of Morphological Traits on Body Mass of Sparus latus Eco-culture in Mangrove Constructed Wetland[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2021,37(3):248-255.   [点击复制]
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童立豪, 谭凡民, 罗砚, 倪孔平
(广西科学院广西红树林研究中心, 广西红树林保护与利用重点实验室, 广西北海 536000)
为了解红树林人工湿地生态养殖黄鳍鲷(Sparus latus)形态性状对生长发育的影响及内在联系,采用相关性分析、主成分分析、通径分析及多元回归分析对其常规形态指标进行研究。结果显示,黄鳍鲷体质量(Y)与各形态性状间均呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),体高(X6)与体质量(Y)的相关性系数最大(0.937),头长(X2)与体质量(Y)的相关性系数最小(0.549)。主成分分析发现黄鳍鲷主要表现为整体结构的协同生长发育。通径分析表明体高(X6)对体质量(Y)的直接作用最大(0.424),其后依次为体长(X8)、尾柄高(X7)和躯干长(X3)。决定系数显示,体高(X6)和体长(X8)对体质量(Y)的共同决定系数最大(0.223),表明体高和体长可以较好地表征体质量;体高(X6)、体长(X8)、尾柄高(X7)和躯干长(X3)4个性状共同决定系数的总和为0.954,表明这4个性状是影响体质量的主要性状。通过逐步回归分析建立多元回归方程:Y=-244.020+22.019X6+6.892X8+35.383X7+5.535X3。以上结果表明,红树林人工湿地生境生长的黄鳍鲷在养殖及选育过程中应以体高、体长、尾柄高和躯干长作为主要测量形态指标。
关键词:  红树林人工湿地  黄鳍鲷  形态性状  体质量  主成分分析  通径分析
Effects of Morphological Traits on Body Mass of Sparus latus Eco-culture in Mangrove Constructed Wetland
TONG Lihao, TAN Fanmin, LUO Yan, NI Kongping
(Guangxi Key Lab of Mangrove Conservation and Utilization, Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
In order to understand the effects of morphological traits on growth and development of Sparus latus eco-cultured in mangrove constructed wetland and their internal relations, correlation analysis, principal component analysis, path analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to study the conventional morphological indexes. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the body mass (Y) and morphological traits of S. latus (P<0.01). The correlation coefficient between body height (X6) and body mass (Y) was the largest (0.937). The correlation coefficient between head length (X2) and body mass (Y) was the smallest (0.549). Principal component analysis showed that S. latus was mainly manifested synergistic growth and development of the overall structure. Path analysis showed that body height (X6) had the greatest direct effect on body mass (Y) (0.424), followed by body length (X8), height of caudal peduncle (X7) and trunk length (X3). The determination coefficient showed that the joint determination coefficient of body height (X6) and body length (X8) on body mass (Y) was the largest (0.223), which indicated that the body height and body length could better represent the body mass. And the sum of the co-determination coefficient of body height (X6), body length (X8), height of caudal peduncle (X7), trunk length (X3) was 0.954, which suggested that these four traits were the main traits affecting body mass. The multiple regression equation was established by stepwise multiple regression analysis:Y=-244.020+22.019X6+6.892X8+35.383X7+5.535X3. The results show that body height, body length, height of caudal peduncle, trunk length can be used as the main morphological measurement indexes in the culturing and breeding process of S. latus in mangrove constructed wetland habitat.
Key words:  mangrove constructed wetlands  Sparus latus  morphological traits  body mass  principal component analysis  path analysis

