  • 苏治南,范航清,方超,钟云旭,邱广龙.日本鳗草对潮间带大型底栖动物群落的影响[J].广西科学院学报,2024,40(3):288-300.    [点击复制]
  • SU Zhinan,FAN Hangqing,FANG Chao,ZHONG Yunxu,QIU Guanglong.Effects of Zostera japonica on the Intertidal Macrobenthic Community[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2024,40(3):288-300.   [点击复制]
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苏治南1,2, 范航清1,2, 方超1,2, 钟云旭1,2, 邱广龙1,2
(1.广西科学院, 广西海洋科学院(广西红树林研究中心), 广西红树林保护与利用重点实验室, 广西北海 536000;2.自然资源部北部湾滨海湿地生态系统野外科学观测研究站, 广西北海 536015)
为研究日本鳗草(Zostera japonica)对大型底栖动物群落的影响,本研究对广西珍珠湾的海草床和裸滩开展4季的大型底栖动物群落调查。通过Margalef丰富度指数(d)、Pielou均匀度指数(J')和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')等指标评价大型底栖动物的物种多样性,使用聚类(Cluster)分析和非度量多维尺度排序(NMDS)分析大型底栖动物群落结构。结果表明,4季海草床定量记录的大型底栖动物种类数量(45种)高于裸滩(29种)。海草床大型底栖动物的4季平均丰度[(673.69±65.22) ind.·m-2]、生物量[(574.13±44.06)g·m-2]、次级生产力[(51.37±4.03) g(AFDM)·m-2·a-1]、Margalef丰富度指数(1.36±0.09)、Pielou均匀度指数(0.57±0.02)和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(1.28±0.07)均大于裸滩,且生物量、次级生产力、Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数差异显著。研究结果表明,珍珠湾日本鳗草的生长可促进潮间带大型底栖动物的定居,保护海草资源也有利于大型底栖动物的保护,从而维护潮间带的生物多样性。
关键词:  海草床  日本鳗草  大型底栖动物  群落结构  珍珠湾
Effects of Zostera japonica on the Intertidal Macrobenthic Community
SU Zhinan1,2, FAN Hangqing1,2, FANG Chao1,2, ZHONG Yunxu1,2, QIU Guanglong1,2
(1.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Mangrove Conservationand Utilization, Guangxi Academy of Marine Sciences (Guangxi Mangrove Research Center), Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China;2.Observation and Research Station of Coastal Wetland Ecosystemin Beibu Gulf, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beihai, Guangxi, 536015, China)
To explore the effects of Zostera japonica in supporting macrobenthic communities,the macrobenthic community of seagrass beds and unvegetated habitat in Pearl Bay,Guangxi was investigated for four seasons. The species diversity of macrobenthos was evaluated by Margalef richness index (d),Pielou evenness index (J') and Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H'). Hierarchical cluster and Non-metric sort Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) were used to analyze the community structure of macrobenthos. The results showed that the number of macrobenthic species recorded in the seagrass bed (45 species) was higher than that in the unvegetated habitat (29 species) in the four seasons.The average abundance [(673.69±65.22) ind.·m-2],biomass [(574.13±44.06) g·m-2],secondary productivity [(51.37±4.03) g (AFDM)·m-2·a-1],Margalef's richness index (1.36±0.09),Pielou's evenness index (0.57±0.02) and Shannon-Wiener diversity index (1.28±0.07) of macrobenthos in the seagrass bed of the four seasons were higher than those in the unvegetated habitat.There were significant differences in biomass,secondary productivity,Margalef's richness index and Shannon-Wiener diversity index.The results show that the growth of Z.japonic in Pearl Bay can promote the settlement of macrobenthos in the intertidal zone,and the protection of seagrass resources is also conducive to the protection of macrobenthos and the maintenance of biodiversity in the intertidal zone.
Key words:  seagrass bed  Zostera japonica  macrobenthos  community structure  Pearl Bay

