  • 杨梓暄,盘远方,邱广龙,黄亮亮.不同盐度对濒危海草贝克喜盐草叶茎形态的影响[J].广西科学院学报,2024,40(3):301-309.    [点击复制]
  • YANG Zixuan,PAN Yuanfang,QIU Guanglong,HUANG Liangliang.Effects of Different Salinity on Leaf and Stem Morphology of the Endangered Seagrass Halophila beccarii[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2024,40(3):301-309.   [点击复制]
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杨梓暄1,2, 盘远方2,3, 邱广龙2,3, 黄亮亮1
(1.桂林理工大学, 环境科学与工程学院, 广西环境污染控制理论与技术重点实验室, 广西桂林 541006;2.广西科学院, 广西海洋科学院(广西红树林研究中心), 广西红树林保护与利用重点实验室, 广西北海 536000;3.自然资源部北部湾滨海湿地生态系统野外科学观测研究站, 广西北海 536015)
濒危海草贝克喜盐草(Halophila beccarii)主要生长在印度洋-太平洋地区沿岸不同盐度的潮间带。为探究贝克喜盐草在不同盐度条件下的适应策略,本研究以贝克喜盐草为实验对象,在室内可控的生态水槽内开展不同盐度(盐度0、10、20和30)对贝克喜盐草生长适应性影响的研究。结果表明:(1)盐度20时贝克喜盐草具有最大的叶长、叶宽和叶柄长,盐度10时具有最大的生长端密度和直立茎密度。(2)在中等盐度(盐度10和20)下,叶片形态参数与生长端密度或直立茎密度总体呈正相关关系,而在淡水(盐度0)或相对较高的盐度(盐度30)下,叶片形态参数整体上与生长端密度或直立茎密度呈负相关关系。(3)主成分分析结果表明,盐度10的条件有利于贝克喜盐草生长端和直立茎的生长,而盐度20时有利于贝克喜盐草叶片的生长。研究结果对深入理解贝克喜盐草对不同盐度的适应机制具有重要意义。
关键词:  贝克喜盐草  盐度胁迫  叶片形态  直立茎密度  生长端密度
Effects of Different Salinity on Leaf and Stem Morphology of the Endangered Seagrass Halophila beccarii
YANG Zixuan1,2, PAN Yuanfang2,3, QIU Guanglong2,3, HUANG Liangliang1
(1.Guangxi Key Laboratoryof Theoryand Technologyfor Environmental Pollution Control, Collegeof Environmental Scienceand Engineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin, Guangxi, 541006, China;2.Guangxi Key Laboratory of Mangrove Conservationand Utilization, Guangxi Academy of Marine Sciences (Guangxi Mangrove Research Center), Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China;3.Observation and Research Stationof Coastal Wetland Ecosystemin Beibu Gulf, Ministryof Natural Resources, Beihai, Guangxi, 536015, China)
The endangered seagrass Halophila beccarii mainly grows in intertidal habitats with different salinity along the coast of the Indian Ocean-Pacific region.In order to explore the adaptation strategy of H.beccarii under different salinity conditions,H.beccarii was took as the experimental object to study the effects of different salinity (salinity 0,10,20 and 30) on the growth adaptability of H.beccarii in an indoor controllable ecological flume.The results showed that:(1) When the salinity was 20,H.beccarii had the maximum leaf length,leaf width,and petiole length,and when the salinity was 10, it has the maximum growing end density and erect stem density.(2) Under moderate salinity (salinity 10 and 20),the leaf morphological parameters were positively correlated with the density of the growing end or the density of the erect stem,while under freshwater (salinity 0) or relatively high salinity (salinity 30),the leaf morphological parameters were negatively correlated with the density of the growing end or the density of the erect stem.(3) The results of principal component analysis showed that the salinity of 10 was beneficial for the growing end and erect stem of H.beccarii,while the salinity of 20 was beneficial to the growth of the leaves of H.beccarii.The results of this research are of great significance for a deeper understanding of the adaptation mechanism of H.beccarii to different salinities.
Key words:  Halophila beccarii  salinity stress  leaf morphology  the density of growing end  the density erectstem

