  • 温达志,旷远文,周国逸,余春珠.树木年轮分析在环境监测中的应用进展[J].广西科学,2004,11(2):134-142.    [点击复制]
  • Wen Dazhi,Kuang Yuanwen,Zhou Guoyi,Yu Chunzhu.Progress on the Applications of Dendroanalysis in Environmental Monitoring[J].Guangxi Sciences,2004,11(2):134-142.   [点击复制]
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温达志, 旷远文, 周国逸, 余春珠
(中国科学院华南植物园, 广东广州 510650)
关键词:  树木年轮  年轮化学  污染物  环境监测
Progress on the Applications of Dendroanalysis in Environmental Monitoring
Wen Dazhi, Kuang Yuanwen, Zhou Guoyi, Yu Chunzhu
(South China Botanic Garden, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510650, China)
Environmental pollution is a major problem in many parts around the world,especially in the developed and fast developing countries or areas. In order to provide scientific bases for natural resource management and environmental protection,it is necessary to evaluate the impacts of the progressive anthropogenic activities on natural environment by using correct and effective means and tools.Trees are well recognized as one of most reliable chronological information sources in reconstructing the environmental change,e.g. the past pollution episodes, due to their geographical distribution in both heavily human-influenced industry area and remote countryside and mountains In this paper,we reviewed the latest progresses in dendrochemistry of trees over the past three decades,clarified the major fields of its application through several case studies These fields included:(1) Monitoring the deposition of atmospheric trace metals and heavy metals,(2) Deducing changes of these metals in soils and waters,(3) Detecting organic pollutants,(4) radioactive pollution. Based on the data and results available,the drawback of dendrochemical analysis and its application,as well as the possible approaches to improve the accuracy were briefly discussed. Consequently,we proposed several priority research areas.They are:(1) Mechanism oriented research including crucial physical,chemical and biological processes and their interactions;(2) Hetergeneity in temporal and spatial distribution of toxic metals in tree rings;(3) Kinetics for elements entering plants and interactions with other abiotic factors;(4) Comparison of the results obtained from tree ring analyses with those from other environmental sources.
Key words:  tree ring  dendrochemistry  pollutants  environmental monitoring

