  • 何斌源,邓朝亮,罗砚.环境扰动对钦州港潮间带大型底栖动物群落的影响[J].广西科学,2004,11(2):143-147.    [点击复制]
  • He Binyuan,Deng Chaoliang,Luo Yan.Effect of Environmental Fluctuation on Macrobenthos Community in the Intertidal Flats of Qinzhou Harbor[J].Guangxi Sciences,2004,11(2):143-147.   [点击复制]
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何斌源, 邓朝亮, 罗砚
(广西红树林研究中心, 北海市长青东路92号 536000)
为了了解钦州港海洋生态环境质量,于2001年春夏两季在钦州港码头区两侧的无名岛和旧营盘,及距离稍远的鸡墩头和鹿耳环的潮间带滩涂,对大型底栖动物状况进行调查。共设置4条断面,每个断面设2~3个站位,用样方方法定量采集动物样品。应用种类相似性指数、生物多样性指数和丰度生物量比较法分析大型底栖动物群落间差异及生态质量状况。结果表明:该海域滩涂潮间带上发现有大型底栖动物70种,包括软体动物贝类38种,甲壳类18种,多毛类5种,鱼类4种,及其他类群的动物5种。生境的相似导致在钦州港码头区两侧的2个断面潮间带动物群落间的相似性最大。在种群水平上,珠带拟蟹守螺(Cerithidea cingulata)为丰度和生物量上的主要优势种。在类群水平上,贝类为主要的优势类群。应用丰度生物量比较法发现码头区两侧的2个断面潮间带动物群落受到扰动,显然是由于环境经常变动导致的。同时,从4个断面的潮间带动物物种数及3个生物多样性指数的比较也得到同样的结论
关键词:  大型底栖动物  丰度生物量比较法  生物多样性指数  种类相似性指数  环境扰动
Effect of Environmental Fluctuation on Macrobenthos Community in the Intertidal Flats of Qinzhou Harbor
He Binyuan, Deng Chaoliang, Luo Yan
(Guangxi Mangrove Research Center, 92 East Changqinglu, Beihai, Guangxi, 536000, China)
To analysis the current marine environment status of Qinzhou Harbor,an investigation of the macrobenthos communities on the intertidal flats was carried out on spring and summer of 2001. Four sampling sections were settled,and the quantitative samples were gathered by quadrate method. The species similarity index,biodiversity indexes and abundance biomass comparison method were applied for the analysis on the differences of the macrobenthos communities and the ecological quality of Qinzhou Harbor. The results showed that there were 70 species of macrobenthos recorded in this area,including 38 species of mollusks,18 species of crustacean,5 species of polychaete,4 species of fishes and 5 species of others Due to their similar habitats,the similarity index between the two sampling sections on either side of wharf area of Qinzhou harbor was the highest among the pairs of sections On the level of population,Cerithidea cingulata(Gmelin) was one of the major dominant species in either density or biomass And on the level of category,mollusks were the major dominant category. By the abundance biomass comparison method,the two macrobenthos communities on either side of the wharf area of Qinzhou harbor are affected in certain degree. This must be resulted from the frequent fluctuations on the living habitats of macrobenthos. The similar conclusions can be obtained from the comparison of species numbers and three biodiversity indexes in four sections.
Key words:  macrobenthos  abundance biomass comparison method  biodiversity indexes  species similarity index  environmental fluctuation

