  • 谢能中,黄艳燕,李检秀,郭铃,李亿,王青艳,陈东,杜奇石,黄日波.苯甲酸降解途径及转化生产粘康酸的研究进展[J].广西科学院学报,2014,30(2):74-81.    [点击复制]
  • XIE Neng-zhong,HUANG Yan-yan,LI Jian-xiu,GUO Ling,LI Yi,WANG Qing-yan,CHEN Dong,DU Qi-shi,HUANG Ri-bo.Research Progress in Benzoate Degradation Pathways and Transformation for cis,cis-Muconic Acid[J].Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences,2014,30(2):74-81.   [点击复制]
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谢能中, 黄艳燕, 李检秀, 郭铃, 李亿, 王青艳, 陈东, 杜奇石, 黄日波
(广西科学院, 非粮生物质酶解国家重点实验室, 国家非粮生物质能源工程技术研究中心, 广西生物质产业化工程院, 广西生物炼制重点实验室, 广西南宁 530007)
关键词:  苯甲酸  粘康酸  降解途径  微生物转化
Research Progress in Benzoate Degradation Pathways and Transformation for cis,cis-Muconic Acid
XIE Neng-zhong, HUANG Yan-yan, LI Jian-xiu, GUO Ling, LI Yi, WANG Qing-yan, CHEN Dong, DU Qi-shi, HUANG Ri-bo
(Guangxi Academy of Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Non-food Biomass and Enzyme Technology, National Engineering Research Center for Non-food Biorefinery, Guangxi Biomass Industrialization Engineering Institute, Guangxi Key Laboratory of Biorefinery, Nanning, Guangxi, 530007, China)
Benzoate is a model aromatic compound, which is also an important intermediate of a variety of aromatic compounds. Studying microbial degradation of benzoate provides knowledge on the metabolic mechanism of other aromatic compounds, facilitates the screen of efficient bacteria for wastewater treatment, environmental remediation and biotransformation. Benzoate can be metabolized via catechol by means of the ortho-cleavage pathway to yield cis,cis-muconic acid, which is suggested to be an interesting platform chemical for the production of new functional resins, bio-plastics and food additives. In this paper, various benzoate degradation pathways and cis,cis-muconic acid production by biotransformation of benzoate are reviewed, and guidelines for developing high performance microbial cell factory for cis,cis-muconic acid production are also proposed.
Key words:  benzoate  cis,cis-muconic acid  degradation pathways  microbial transformation

